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  • 网络wutai poem case
  1. 政治漩涡中的士人心态&对苏轼乌台诗案诗文的政治文化解读

    The Scholar 's Psychology in the Vortex of Politics & A Political Cultural Interpretation Of Sushi 's Poems and Articles in Wutai Poem Case

  2. 政府行政程序法定化的政治生态环境分析政治漩涡中的士人心态&对苏轼乌台诗案诗文的政治文化解读

    Analysis of political ecology environment for legalizing administration procedures in China ; The Scholar 's Psychology in the Vortex of Politics & A Political Cultural Interpretation Of Sushi 's Poems and Articles in Wutai Poem Case

  3. 以往对“乌台诗案”影响苏轼创作的研究,过多集中于诗歌,而对于词创作的影响关注不够,或者略有提及。

    Most previous critics focus on Sushi 's creation of poetry but very little on Ci Creation , even slightly mentioned .

  4. 以“乌台诗案”为线索,可知苏轼的创作心理、创作内容、创作风格等三方面的变化,了解这件事对其词创作的影响。

    This paper discusses the influences of Wutai poem accidence on Sushi 's Ci creation from his creative psychology , creating content and the changes of writing style .

  5. “乌台诗案”是苏轼人生历程中最为重要的事件。它不仅让作者对于社会人生有了全新的认识,也继而影响到作者的创作。

    Wutai poem accident is the most important event in Su Shi 's life history , which not only provides an entirely new understanding , but also in turn affect the author 's creation .

  6. 本文分析了苏东坡乌台诗案受挫被贬后重拾尊严、重建自信,最终成为一代文学大师的心理恢复过程。

    This article analyzed the self-adjustment process of psychological of Su Dongpo who succeeded to get dignity and self-confidence and become a litterateur after frustration caused by ' Wu Tai Poem ' event . How to Reconstruct Social Credibility in China ?