- low-lying paddy fields surrounded with dikes;low-lying paddy fields surrounded with dykes

[low-lying paddy fields surrounded with dykes] 周围筑有土堤的稻田
3 ) The spectral absorption near 465 ) nm ( E_ ( 465 )) of humic acid in alluvial paddy soil was lower than that in polder paddy soil .
Extracting and Analyzing of Weitian ( Artificial Field ) Structure 's Information Based on Landsat TM Data & Weitian of Southeast of AnHui Province for Example
A polygon pattern has a function of combining and expanding ;
Review of Studies on Chinese Ancient Polders in the Recent Post Half Century
Analyzing Structures and Functions of Weitian ( artificial field ) Patterns in Southeastern Anhui Province Based on Remote-sensing Information
Polders , as a special form to utilize land , came into being in process of cultivation for farmlands .
Dike paddy field was the main mode of the development of the plain in the south of Anhui province .
Governmental Management and the Effects of Wei-tian in the Tang and Song Dynasties & Centering on the Wei-tian along the Downstream of the Yangtze River
An area of low-lying land , especially in the netherlands , that has been reclaimed from a body of water and is protected by dikes .
This presentation discusses the course , reasons and functions of developing polders . It also analyzes the influence of excessively encircled lakes on the ecological environment .
Jia Xing district which is located in Hang-Jia-Hu Plain sees systematic and various waterscapes and waterside landscapes , among them paddy field occupies the greatest proportion .
During the northern and southern Song dynasties , the tapping of the enclosed lands has been developed quickly in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River .
This paper analyzes the enclosure of fields , the transfer of seedlings and the personnel involved in paddy-field drainage and rice production in the Lake Tai region .
The great shrinking of lake areas because of too much reclamation affects the function of lakes in adjusting water volume and destroys ecological conditions of the area , leads to frequent disasters .
From the period of the Five Dynasties , the low-lying paddy fields and paddy soil was formed there , and the soil construction was becoming better and better as the spreading of the traditional intensive agricultural technology .
The essay , based on large amounts of historical documents , comprehensively looks into the course and characteristics of the cultivation of diked paddy-fields in South-East China , researches on the historical and natural factors of their prosperity and briefly analyzes their functions .