
hǎi jūn zhōnɡ jiànɡ
  • vice admiral of the navy
  1. 在2019年的参议院听证会上,海军中将、海军总检察长约翰·G·汉尼克作证称,取消指挥官对严重罪行的管辖权“将对这些指挥官以及其他指挥官确保良好秩序和纪律的能力产生有害影响。”

    During a 2019 Senate hearing , Vice Adm. John G. Hannink , judge advocate general of the Navy , testified that removing authority over serious crimes from commanders " would have a detrimental impact on the ability of those commanders - and other commanders - to ensure good order and discipline . "

  2. 我刚从海军中将贝特约翰那里收到消息。

    I just received a message from Admiral pettijohn .

  3. 现在我是海军中将欧文贝特约翰。

    I 'm rear admiral Irwin pettijohn .

  4. 1941年,二战期间:偷袭珍珠港&日本舰队副司令(海军中将)南云中一指挥一支由六条航空母舰为主力的舰队在保持彻底无线电静默的情况下,离开日本前往珍珠港。

    1941-World War II : Attack on Pearl Harbor-A fleet of six aircraft carriers commanded by Japanese Vice Admiral Chuichi Nagumo leaves Hitokapu Bay for Pearl Harbor under strict radio silence .

  5. 我是美国海军的佩顿中将。

    This is admiral pendelton , u.s.navy .

  6. 陆军中将,海军陆战队中将美国陆海空三军陆战队中军衔高于陆军中尉低于准将的委任军官。

    A commissioned military officer in the US Army or Air Force or Marines who ranks above a lieutenant colonel and below a brigadier general .