
hǎi shànɡ zhēn chá
  • overwater reconnaissance
  1. 周二,一架俄罗斯海上侦察机飞入爱沙尼亚领空。这是自冷战结束以来,俄罗斯政府对北约(Nato)领空的最严重侵犯。

    A Russian maritime spy plane flew into Estonian territory on Tuesday in the most serious violation of Nato airspace by Moscow since the end of the cold war .

  2. 曾是美国海军少校的弗拉纳根表示,在1986年加入美国联合航空之前的20年间,他曾驾驶C-130运输机为在南极洲的“深冻行动”(OperationDeepFreeze)提供支援,还曾驾驶过P-3猎户座海上侦察机。

    Flanagan , a former lieutenant commander in the U.S. Navy , said he flew C-130 transport aircraft in support of Operation Deep Freeze in Antarctica and P-3 Orions ( maritime surveillance aircraft ) for 20 years before joining United in 1986 .

  3. 英国现在是少数几个没有任何海上侦察机的岛国之一。

    Britain is now among a handful of island nations without any maritime surveillance aircraft .

  4. 海上侦察能力:这是你的舰队在海上发现敌军舰队的能力。

    Sea detection capability : this shows how good the ship is at locating enemy ships while at sea .

  5. 根据数据融合的处理过程和海上侦察系统的特点,提出了一个典型的海上数据融合系统,并给出了系统模型和体系结构。

    In this paper , according to the common process of data fusion and the characters of Maritime Surveillance system , we presented a typical data fusion system and designed its model and architecture .

  6. 但搜索工作主要还是由非常先进的长距离海上侦察机以及直升机完成。直升机能从目前停留在安达曼海的驱逐舰上起飞、以执行中短程任务。

    But the main search is being carried out by highly advanced long-range maritime surveillance aircraft , as well as helicopters that can fly shorter missions from a destroyer currently in the Andaman Sea .

  7. 由于海上侦察目标区域过大,且时间、精度和不同类型传感器的原因,使得设计的数据融合系统实用性不强。

    The common problem of it is that the surveillance area is generally large , hence it is difficult to arrive at an useful data fusion architecture due to timing , accuracy and different types of sensors .

  8. 无线传感器在现代化军事中有着广泛的应用,海上无人值守的侦察系统可以代替人对进入侦察区域的目标进行外形轮廓和声音的辨别。

    Wireless sensor has a broad application in modern military . The contour and sound of military objective can identify by military monitoring system on the sea with sensors instead of man .