
  1. 当你海淘时,这些商品通常都是免税的。

    When items are bought online from other countries , they 're often tax-free .

  2. 外国电商也加入到海淘中来,亚马逊于4月与天猫国际进行合作。

    Foreign companies are also getting in on the convenience of overseas online purchases , with Amazon.com partnering with Tmall International in April .

  3. 该报告显示,与国内网购人群以女性为主相反,男性去年在海淘人群中占比超过7成。

    In contrast to women-dominated domestic online shopping , men accounted for more than 70 percent of Chinese buyers abroad last year , the report said .

  4. 门罗教授说,因此,有相当多的学员从海外网络图书零售商那里“海淘”该书的国际版,将其寄送到美国。

    As a result , he says , significant numbers of his students buy the international version from online book retailers based overseas and have it shipped to the US .

  5. 根据第三方购物软件惠惠购物助手最新发布的报告显示,出生在1987年之后的中国人在2015年在“海淘”上花销最大。

    Chinese who were born in 1987 spent the most on overseas online shopping in 2015 , according to a recent report by Huihui Shopping Assistant , a third-party shopping app .

  6. 2013年,中央政府引进试点项目,为跨境电商公司提供减税政策,降低海淘物品关税,缩短海关检验时间。

    In 2013 , the central government introduced a pilot program which offered tax breaks for cross-border e-commerce companies and lower tariffs plus shorter customs processing times for goods bought through them .

  7. 北京、广东、上海海淘用户数量位居全国前三,用户占比达15.5%、13.5%、9.9%,接下来的是江苏和浙江两省。

    Orders placed by Tauruses and Geminis were no more than 8 percent . Beijing , Guangdong province and Shanghai took the top three places in terms of customer numbers in overseas online shopping , accounting for 15.5 , 13.5 and 9.9 percent , respectively , followed by Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces .