
  • allergic constitution;atopy
  1. 结果儿童哮喘发病率为4.06%,同时对发病动态、治疗、转归、诱因、遗传、过敏体质等分别描述。

    Results Incidence of infantile bronchial asthma was 4.06 % , and the trends of disease , treatment , outcome , causative factor , genetics and allergic constitution were described respectively .

  2. 结果小儿咳嗽变异性哮喘与反复呼吸道感染、空气污染、过敏体质、家族史、情绪刺激、气候因素有关,抗哮喘(糖皮质激素吸入)治疗有效。

    Result CVA was related to repeated respiratory tract infection ( RRTI ), air pollution , allergic constitution , family history , stimulation of emotion and climatic factors . It was efficient for anti-asthma ( inhalation of glucocorticoid ) .

  3. 结果哮喘患者血清Eotaxin水平较非哮喘过敏体质患者及正常对照者显著增高(P<0.01)。

    Results The levels of serum eotaxin in the asthma group were higher than those in the non-asthma allergic and control group ( P < 0.01 ) .

  4. 结果蒿属花粉过敏体质者扁桃体淋巴细胞经特异性抗原刺激后IL4、IL5水平明显升高,而IFNγ水平明显降低,与非过敏对照者细胞因子水平相比较有显著差异(P<0.01)。

    Results The levels of IL-4 , IL-5 in tonsil lymphocytes in Artemisia pollen-atopic people after stimulated by specific antigen were higher than nonatopic controls , but the levels of IFN - γ were lower than those in nonatopic controls ( P < 0.01 , respectively ) .

  5. 盐的射入可能导致过敏体质的成年人血压升高。

    Salt intake may lead to raised blood pressure in susceptible adults .

  6. 环境因素是引起过敏体质者在人群中比例增加的影响因素之一。

    Environment of residence was one of very important effects of allergen .

  7. 过敏体质的人们的生活更像是一场噩梦。

    Living with allergies can be a nightmare .

  8. 过敏体质的比雄也会流泪,这和季节通常有关。

    Bichons with allergies may also tear and this will probably be a seasonal problem .

  9. 血尿的发生可能与药物的剂量、配药浓度、个体过敏体质及药品的质量有关。

    Hematuria could be related with dosage and purity of cefradine , and individual hypersensitivity .

  10. 改善过敏体质,预防细菌、病毒的感染,使人不容易生病感冒。

    Enhances the body 's immune system so you won 't get sick or catch cold easily .

  11. 由于奥巴马的大女儿、10岁的玛丽亚是过敏体质,所以这种卷毛的葡萄牙水犬一直是个有力的竞争者。

    The shaggy breed was always a strong contender as Malia Obama , 10 , suffers from allergies .

  12. 比如流行的干爽网面,有许多过敏体质的人用后会出现红肿、发痒的过敏现象。

    Take popular dry net surface for example , many sensitive people will be allergic as swollen and itchy .

  13. 结论非溶血性输血反应与性别、输血次数、血成分制品及受血者过敏体质等有关。

    Conclusions The non-hemolytic transfusion reactions was related with sex ? numbers of transfusion ? blood products and the allergic constitutions of recipient .

  14. 哮喘是一种常见的、影响广大的疾病,其主要病理学特征气道变应性炎症通常被认为是与过敏体质和过敏原直接相关的。

    Asthma is a popular public disease with specific pathological feature of " airway allergic inflammation ", which needs both allergen and atopy .

  15. 这是湿疹或者叫奶癣,产生的原因一是宝宝属于过敏体质,二是他对母乳里的蛋白质过敏。

    This is called milk eczema or ringworm , the causes are allergy first baby , and the other is in his breast-protein allergy .

  16. 一些过敏体质的人,遇到花粉,柳絮,灰尘等,也都会造成过敏感性肌肤发红,脱皮,发痒。

    Some people allergy encountered pollen , catkins , dust and so on , also have sensitive skin can cause redness , peeling , itching .

  17. 第三是病人的体质差异,例如老幼体弱者和孕妇容易中毒,过敏体质的人则会发生过敏反应。

    The third is the patient 's physical differences , such as young and old , infirm and pregnant women easily poisoning , allergies allergic reaction occurs .

  18. 目的研究蒿属花粉过敏体质者与非过敏对照者扁桃体淋巴细胞在特异性抗原刺激下细胞因子的动态变化以及细胞增殖情况。

    Objective To investigate the proliferation and the dynamic changes of cytokines in tonsil lymphocytes in Artemisia pollen-atopic people and nonatopic people after stimulated by the specific antigen .

  19. 在这9%的儿童当中,双亲是过敏体质(他们对于呼吸环境变化更易感),这种关联就会更强。(这句话意思知道,不会翻译。望指点。)

    The association was even stronger for the9 percent of the children with two allergic parents who were already more predisposed to the respiratory condition , they wrote .

  20. 我是一个很敏感的人,就是这样了,心灵上的不舒服造成身体很过敏体质,这跟先天性的出身个性家庭环境,后天遇到的事情有关系吧。

    I am a very sensitive person , that is , the spiritual body is caused uncomfortable with congenital allergic constitution , the character of the origins of family environment , things have relations .

  21. 很多人由于自己的过敏体质而无法吃冰淇淋或无法接触宠物,这种感觉会让你觉得生活极其不便。

    From not being able to indulge in ice cream or not being able to own a pet to feeling like you 're always on the verge of coming down with the flu , allergies can make life difficult .

  22. 本病患者多具过敏性体质,与遗传性IGA缺乏有一定关系;

    Most patient have anaphylaxis physique , Concern with heredity IGA scarcity ;

  23. 提示过敏性体质和哮喘家族史是哮喘发生、发展的高危因素,而大剂量IVIG治疗、及时接种卡介苗以及单纯母乳喂养对哮喘的发生呈现保护作用。

    This study implies : allergic physique and asthma family history are high risk factor to development and occurrence of asthma ; while , large dose IVIG treatment , vaccinated BCG vaccine ( BCG ) according to plan and the pure breast-fed take on protection to occurrence of asthma .

  24. 后者包括:手部本身的湿润状况和过敏性体质。

    The latter included the moist condition of hand and allergic constitution .

  25. 密切相关因素为老年人和过敏性体质及有精神症状的病人。

    Osculation correlation factor was old folks and irritability corporeity and the sick has psychosis symptom .

  26. 最常见的湿疹为特应性湿疹,与干草热与哮喘相似,见于过敏性体质人群。

    The most common form , atopic eczema , is seen in people with a predisposition to allergies , like hay fever or asthma .

  27. 温老早年曾首次开展以舌象诊断为主的儿童体质辨识研究,现发展为对过敏性体质患者的面部、舌象以及皮肤斑痣的望诊研究。

    In his early years , Professor Wen firstly carried out study of childhood constitution identification mainly based on tongue demonstration diagnosis . Now , she carries out observation researches of faces , tongue demonstrations and Skin stains of patients with allergic constitution .

  28. 结论儿童支气管哮喘的反复发作与季节、家族史、个人过敏史及过敏体质等有密切的关系。

    Conclusion Asthma was related to climate , family history , allergic history , and allergic constitution .

  29. 方法应用ELISA方法测定38例过敏哮喘患者、28例非哮喘过敏体质患者及30例正常对照者血清Eotaxin水平。

    Methods Serum eotaxin were measured by ELISA in 38 patients with asthma , 28 patients with non-asthma allergy , and 30 healthy controls .

  30. 结论:药物过敏性休克与药物种类、患者过敏体质及机体状态有关。

    Conclusions : Allergic shock of drugs has a certain connection with the category of medicine , allergic habitus of patients and the situation of body .