
ɡuò mǐn xìnɡ pí yán
  • Allergic dermatitis;atopic dermatitis
  1. 遗传过敏性皮炎血清特异性IgE分析

    Serum Specific IgE Analysis in Atopic Dermatitis

  2. 遗传过敏性皮炎分型的实验研究

    Laboratory studies on subsets of atopic dermatitis

  3. 采用酶联免疫技术检测21例遗传过敏性皮炎(AD)患者血清白细胞介素4(IL&4)及IgE水平。

    An ELISA procedure for the quantitative determination of serum IL-4 and IgE levels were done in 21 patients with atopic dermatitis ( AD ) .

  4. 目的探索三氯乙烯(TCE)诱导过敏性皮炎发生的免疫学机制。

    Objective To investigate the immunological mechanism of allergic dermatitis induced by trichloroethylene ( TCE ) .

  5. “在我们的研究群体中,过敏性皮炎和IBS高度相关,”研究者强调。

    " The reported presence of allergic dermatitis was highly correlated to the presence of IBS in our population ," investigators noted .

  6. 因此,免疫力差的人容易患上湿疹、过敏性皮炎等。

    Therefore , immunity sent prone to the eczema , allergic dermatitis , etc.

  7. 三氯乙烯诱发豚鼠过敏性皮炎的免疫学效应

    The immunological effects in guinea pig sensitized by trichloroethylene

  8. 注意事项:1、面部湿疹或过敏性皮炎者慎用;

    Attention : 1.Facial eczema or the anaphylaxis dermatitis person use carefully ; 2 .

  9. 职业性皮炎可分为接触性皮炎、过敏性皮炎和光接触性皮炎等。

    Occupational dermatitis can be verified into contact dermatitis , allergic dermatitis and phototoxic dermatitis .

  10. 复方甘草软膏的制备及在治疗过敏性皮炎和皮肤瘙痒症的疗效观察

    Preparation of compound radix glycyrrhizae ointment and its curative effects on allergic dermatitis and pruritus

  11. 结论复方甘草软膏是治疗过敏性皮炎和皮肤瘙痒症安全、有效的药物。

    Conclusion Compound radix glycyrhizae ointment is safe and effective for treating allergic dermatitis and pruritus .

  12. 肿瘤患者外周置入中心静脉导管致过敏性皮炎的原因分析及护理对策

    Analysis for reason of atopic dermatitis induced by peripheral inserted central catheter implantation and it 's nursing strategy

  13. 过敏性皮炎患者静脉滴注复方甘草酸苷出现过敏性休克及室性早搏

    Anaphylactic shock and ventricular extrasystole following an IV infusion of compound glycyrrhizin in a patient with allergic dermatitis

  14. 肝损害1例,过敏性皮炎1例,药物热1例。

    Complication : liver function damage 1 case , allergic dermatitis 1 case , drug fever 1 case .

  15. 目的制备复方甘草软膏,观察其在治疗过敏性皮炎和皮肤瘙痒症的疗效和安全性。

    Objective To prepare compound radix glycyrrhizae ointment ( CRGO ), and to observe the curative effects and safety on allergic dermatitis and pruritus .

  16. 结论野苋菜花粉皮试应作为南昌及其周围地区过敏性皮炎的常规检验。

    Con clu sion Amaranthaceae pollen is an important allergen of dermatitis in Nanchang and its skin test must be regarded as the routine test to diagnose allergic dermatitis .

  17. 室内空气存在微生物污染,可引起人体出现眼刺激感、哮喘、过敏性皮炎、过敏性肺炎和传染性疾病,重者甚至因感染而死亡;

    Indoor microbial contaminants may induce the eye stimulation , asthma , allergic dermatitis and pneumonia and infectious diseases as well , even to die due to the serious infection .

  18. 甚至还有证据表明,,ω-3脂肪酸可以改善比你的慢性皮肤病,例如酒渣鼻和过敏性皮炎,但还需更多的研究去支持这个结论。

    There is even evidence that the skin-strengthening effects of omega-3s can improve chronic skin conditions like rosacea and atopic dermatitis , but more research is necessary to confirm that link .

  19. 健康专家认为钕和铬会引发过敏性皮炎和湿疹等不好对付的皮肤疾病,这些产品中含有的铬会刺激眼睛和粘膜。

    Health experts believe chromium could cause skin diseases such as allergic dermatitis and eczema , which is very hard to cure . Neodymium can cause irritation of the eyes and mucosa .

  20. 二期梅毒斑疹及斑丘疹易误诊为玫瑰糠疹、过敏性皮炎等;患儿男,6岁。

    For secondary syphilis , macular syphilide and maculopapular syphilide were easily misdiagnosed as pityriasis rosea or dermatitis . A 6-year-old boy had papules and maculopapular eruption with scattered nodule and keloid-like lesions on the face , trunk and extremities .

  21. 为验证沙棘籽油和沙棘果油对过敏性皮炎患者皮肤表层粗糙程度的影响,进行了有安慰剂对照的平行性研究。

    A placebo-controlled , parallel study was carried out to investigate the effects of oils from seeds and soft parts of seabuckthorn ( Hippophae rhamnoides ) berries on the surface roughness of non-symptom skin area of patients with atopic dermatitis .

  22. 过敏性接触皮炎发生在吃泡泡糖孩子的嘴唇周围。

    An allergic contact dermatitis developed around the lips of children who chew bubble gum .

  23. 结论IL-10可能在三氯乙烯所致的过敏性接触性皮炎的发病中起重要作用。

    Conclusion IL-10 may play an important role in allergy contacting dermatitis .

  24. 目的:观察过敏性接触性皮炎(ACD)皮损T细胞CD4、CD8抗原的表达特点。

    Objective : to investigate the expression of CD4 and CD8 antigen in the lesions of allergic contact dermatitis ( ACD ) .

  25. 眼镜框过敏性接触性皮炎:他克莫司可以预防复发吗?

    Eyeglass frame allergic contact dermatitis : Does tacrolimus prevent recurrences ?

  26. 细胞因子在过敏性接触性皮炎病变过程中的表达

    Cellular factors expression during the pathological process of allergic contact dermatitis

  27. 丹麦异硫氰酸丙烯酯过敏性接触性皮炎259例

    Allergic contact dermatitis from allyl isothiocyanate in a Danish cohort of 259 selected patients

  28. 与深色外衣的活性染料有关的过敏性接触性皮炎:1例病例报道

    Allergic contact dermatitis associated with reactive dyes in a dark garment : A case report

  29. 在一个慢性过敏性接触性皮炎模型中应用0.1%他克莫司软膏的前瞻性随机临床试验

    A prospective randomized clinical trial of 0.1 % tacrolimus ointment in a model of chronic allergic contact dermatitis

  30. 对外用激素不敏感的过敏性接触性皮炎患者激素接触性超敏反应的检测

    Detection of contact hypersensitivity to corticosteroids in allergic contact dermatitis patients who do not respond to topical corticosteroids