
jiǎ xuǎn
  • onychomycosis;ringworm of the nails
  1. 阿莫罗芬治疗甲癣和其它浅部真菌感染

    Treatment of onychomycosis and other superficial fungal infections by amorolfine

  2. 甲生长缓慢是甲癣的危险因素吗?

    Is slow nail growth a risk factor for onychomycosis ?

  3. 结果:含量测定的平均回收率为100.02%,RSD为0.17%,临床用于治疗甲癣患者8例(共17只病甲),治愈病甲16只。

    Results : In the determination , average recovery is 100.2 % , RSD is 0.17 % . Treated 8 clinical patients ( total 17 tinea of nails ), cured 16 tinea of nails .

  4. 持续性不卧床腹膜透析患者并发甲癣的相关危险因素探讨

    Risk factors for onychomycosis in patients undergoing continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis

  5. 3种抗真菌药物治疗手甲癣的费用-效果分析

    Cost-effect analysis of three antifungus agents for tinea of the finger-nails

  6. 伊曲康唑凝胶剂的研制及在儿童甲癣的初步应用

    Preparation of itraconazole gel and application of it on onychomycosis in children

  7. 伊曲康唑是治疗甲癣较理想的药物。

    Conclusion Itraconazole was an effective medicine to treat Onychomycosis .

  8. 对土耳其亚达纳省甲癣的一项5年研究

    Onychomycosis in Adana , Turkey : A 5-year study

  9. 特比萘芬冲击疗法与持续疗法治疗甲癣的比较:一项随机、双盲、对照试验

    Pulse versus continuous terbinafine for onychomycosis : A randomized , double-blind , controlled trial

  10. 如果得了这种甲癣,通常推荐口服抗真菌药物及外用药膏。

    An oral anti-fungal medication in combination with a topical ointment is normally recommended .

  11. 甲癣涂剂的制备及疗效观察

    The Preparation and Efficacy of Onychomycosis Paint

  12. 短疗程口服酮康唑治疗甲癣

    A short-term oral ketoconazole in onychomycosis

  13. 目的研究甲癣涂剂的水杨酸含量测定方法。

    Objective To develop an assay method for the determination of salicylic acid in onychomycosis paint .

  14. 冰岛儿童甲癣

    Onychomycosis in Icelandic children

  15. 容易出现在脚趾甲上的一种真菌感染亚型叫做白色表浅性甲癣。

    A subtype of an infection that commonly appears on the toenails is known as white superficial onychomycosis .

  16. 目的:对特比萘芬、氟康唑2种不同抗真菌药物治疗60例甲癣病患者的成本效果分析。

    Objective : Cost-effectiveness analysis of terbinafine and fluconazole in the treatment of 60 cases of tinea unguium was conducted .

  17. 结论:甲癣洗剂具有明显的抗真菌作用,治疗全甲营养不良型甲真菌病疗效显著。

    Conclusion : onychomycosis lotion has obvious anti-fungal effect , a significant effect to the treatment of the whole malnutrition-Onychomycosis .

  18. 方法:通过抑菌试验,检测筛选甲癣洗剂复方及拆方对皮肤癣菌和念珠菌的敏感性。

    Methods : Through inhibition test , detection screening onychomycosis lotion compound and demolition of dermatophytes , and the sensitivity of Candida albicans .

  19. 二者不仅能引起体股癣、手足癣、甲癣、头癣等癣病,还能引起脓癣、脓肿和肉芽肿等深部感染。

    They cause not only a variety of superficial mycosis , including onychomycosis , tinea cruis and tinea pedis , but also deep infections , such as kerion , abscess and granuloma .

  20. 结论:药物经济学分析结果为氟康唑治疗甲癣病较优。甲真菌病原菌的分离培养及耐药性实验研究

    Conclusion : The cost-effectiveness analysis showed that fluconazole was better in the treatment of tinea unguium . Study on the Isolation , Cultivation and Drug Sensitivity Test of Pathogenic Bacteria of Tinea Unguium

  21. 最常见的感染性皮肤粘膜疾病为口腔粘膜念珠菌病(359%),股癣及甲癣(97%)和单纯疱疹(55%)。

    The most common infections were oral candidiasis 36 9 % , tinea corporis and onychomycosis 9 7 % and herpes infection 5 5 % . However , mucocutaneous manifestations of Kaposi 's sarcoma were rare .

  22. 目的:完成对甲癣洗剂治疗全甲营养不良型甲真菌病的实验研究及临床观察,探讨中药治疗全甲营养不良型甲真菌病的理论机理。

    Objective : to finish the treatment of onychomycosis lotion to the whole malnutrition-Onychomycosis of experimental research and clinical observation , on the traditional Chinese medicine treatment of a type of the whole malnutrition - Onychomycosis theory .

  23. 临床试用5%阿莫罗芬甲漆剂外涂1~2次/周,用药6个月,对轻症甲癣停止治疗后间隔3个月,真菌学和临床治愈率约为40%~50%。

    In our clinical trial patients with mild onychomycosis were treated with 5 % amorolfine nail lacquer once to twice weekly for 6 months and a cure rate of about 40 % ~ 55 % were obtained 3 months after stop of therapy .