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jiǎ bīng
  • armour and weaponry
甲兵 [jiá bīng]
  • (1) [armour and weaponry;military equipment]∶铠甲和兵器

  • 王于兴师,修我甲兵,与子偕行。--《诗.秦风.无衣》

  • 甲兵顿弊。--宋. 苏轼《教战守》

  • (2) [soldier in armout]∶兵士或军队

  • 抑王兴甲。--《孟子.梁惠王上》

  1. 甲兵-古代希腊披挂重型甲胄的步兵,以密集队形进行战斗。

    Hoplite - Heavily armed foot soldier of ancient Greece whose function was to fight in close formation .

  2. 虽然方阵不便调度,装备沉重,希腊的甲兵还是地中海世界最好的战士

    " Though the phalanx was unwieldy and the equipment cumbersome , Greek hoplites were the best fighters in the Mediterranean world "