
jiǎ tiān xià
  • Jiatianxia;the finest under heaven;number one in the world
甲天下[jiǎ tiān xià]
  1. 桂林山水甲天下。

    The mountains and waters of Guilin are the finest under heaven .

  2. 最后,桂林是全世界著名的旅游城市,长期以来桂林山水甲天下风靡全球,吸引了无数中外游客。

    Finally , take the world-famous tourist city Guilin as a case , the mountains and waters of Guilin are the finest under heaven has attracted countless Chinese and foreign visitors .

  3. 人们都说“桂林山水甲天下”,到桂林一看,果然名不虚传。

    People say : “ Guilin 's scenery is peerless in the world . ” It was not until I visited the place that I found it really worthy of the reputation .

  4. 桂林因山水甲天下而闻名于世。

    Guilin is famed for being " second to none in scenery under the sky " .

  5. 湖光甲天下,魅力新青海!

    Unique scenery of lake and mountain , new charming Qinghai !

  6. “桂林山水甲天下”的本质含义仍在发展深化,并仍将具有旺盛的生命力。

    The essential implication of the poem is still developing with vigorous life .

  7. 桂林山水甲天下,阳朔山水甲桂林。罗林斯(1947.6.22,迦纳阿克拉~)

    Guilin landscape tops those elsewhere , and Yangshuo landscape tops that of Guilin .

  8. 而当你富甲天下时,生活倒显得贫瘠乏味。

    It looks poorest when you are richest .

  9. 人们常说,桂林山水甲天下。

    People often say the mountains and waters in Guilin are the best under Heaven .

  10. 诚信原则乃道德准则的法律化,诚信本身就是法,帝王规则甲天下。

    Moral code legalizes good faith , good faith is the law since is the king principle .

  11. 对,我是一条来自美丽桂林山水甲天下的小鱼儿。

    Yeah , I am the fish come from the beautiful hill and clear water of Guilin .

  12. 桂林怎么样?桂林有“桂林山水甲天下”之称。

    How about Guilin ? The rivers and hills of it are considered to be the best under heaven .

  13. 甘肃省东乡族自治县自然条件恶劣,以苦瘠甲天下著称。

    The natural conditions of Dongxiang Autonomous County of Gansu Province are abominable , famous for " being arduous " .

  14. 最早的“桂林山水甲天下”诗句就刻在独秀峰的石岩上。

    The oldest line of " the landscape of Guilin is the best under heaven " is engraved on its rock .

  15. 它有山水甲天下的美誉,是中国著名的风景游览城市。

    It is one of China 's well-known tourist scenic cities , claiming to have the " finest mountains and rivers under heaven " .

  16. 其中旅游大省&广西,因桂林山水甲天下而博得了国内外游客的追捧,泰国游客尤为其甚。

    Which tourism province-Guangxi , for " Semiotic " and won the pursuit of domestic and foreign tourists , especially the very tourists in Thailand .

  17. 阳光下的时光约翰布莱德利我虽然不富甲天下,却拥有无数个艳阳天和夏日。&亨利大卫梭罗

    Hour in the Sun John H.Bradley I was rich , if not in money , in sunny hours and summer days . & Henry David Thoreau

  18. 前些天,在网上看到一些游客抱怨,到了桂林旅游,感觉这个城市并不像是传闻中的“山水甲天下”。

    A couple days before , while reading some tourist articles on a website , I found some people saying they were disappointed with the landscape of Guilin .

  19. 今天晚上,能够在山水甲天下的桂林欢迎瑞士新闻代表团,我感到非常的荣幸。

    Tonight it 's a great honor for me to welcome the Swiss News Delegation here in Guilin where the mountains and waters are the best under the heaven .

  20. 福州古桥文化具有鲜明的地域文化特征:(1)闽中桥梁,可甲天下;

    The culture of ancient bridges in Fuzhou has its distinctive regional characteristics : first , bridges in the center of Fu-jian Province may be famed second to none on earth ;

  21. 东西部差异与西部民族地区教育的发展&以重庆黔江地区为例西气东输的目的地是长江三角洲地区,富甲天下。

    East-West Social Difference and Educational Development in Western Minority Nationality Regions ; The Yangtze River Delta , the destination of the pipeline , is the most developed area in China .

  22. 摘要本文从名句“桂林山水甲天下”的获奖译文谈到“翻译是创造,是技术也是艺术”。

    Deriving from the prizewinning translation of the Chinese verse " east or west , Guilin landscape is best ", this paper discusses translation as being an invention , technique as well as art .

  23. 这个当初凭借着与东方通商而富甲天下的城市,曾经拥有强大的海军严密防卫,而现在却要依赖新的引进品营生:游客。

    A city that grew fabulously wealthy on its trade with the East , jealously defended by a formidable navy , now has to rely on a new kind of import : the foreign tourist .

  24. 自此,桂林山水甲天下名闻国内外。钱塘潮,自古以来被视为天下奇观。

    In time Guilin has become known all over the world as " the No. 1 scenic spot under heaven . " The tidal bore of Qiantang has since ancient times been considered a spectacular sight .

  25. 我虽然不富甲天下,却拥有无数个艳阳天和夏日。写这句话时,梭罗想起孩提时代的瓦尔登湖。

    I was rich , if not in money , in sunny hours and summer days . & Henry David Thoreau When Thoreau wrote that line , he was thinking of the Walden Pond he knew as a boy .

  26. 我国湘、鄂、川、黔、渝、桂地区梅山体育文化的研究桂林山水甲天下,阳朔山水甲桂林

    A Study of Meishan Physical Culture in Hunan , Hubei , Sichuan , Guizhou , Chongqing and Guangxi " while the most beautiful scenery in China is in Guilin , the most fascinating part of a Guilin tour is in Yangshou "

  27. 时代不同,年龄不同,理想不同,《留澳一年》记叙的正是当代青年在异邦的奋斗历程。2001年我从西安的一所大学毕业,接着在享有“桂林山水甲天下”美名的桂林做了两年多的英语导游。

    After the graduation from the university in Xi'an in 2001 , I had been an English tour guide for over two years in Guilin , which is enjoying the reputation of having the most beautiful mountains and rivers in the world .

  28. 阅读课会进一步介绍中国的“五岳”、“人间天堂”苏州和杭州、世界第一大佛乐山大佛和“甲天下”的桂林山水。

    Reading classes will introduce more scenic sites in other places : the five sacred mountains ," heaven on earth " - suzhou and hangzhou , the biggest Buddha statue in the world & leshan mountain Buddha statue , guilin 's mountains and rivers .

  29. 攀枝花市(原名渡口市)位于川滇交界的金沙江和雅砻江汇合处,以富饶的矿产资源、罕见的水能资源、丰富的森林资源和独特的气候资源而誉为甲天下的聚宝盆。

    Panzhihua ( previously named Dukou ) in Sichuan Province , bordering Yunnan , which sits in the confluence of Jinsha River and Yalong River , is abundant in mineral , water , forest resources together with unique climate resources , thus known as the " best cornucopia " .