
jiǎ shēn
  • Jia Shen;21st year of the Sexagenary Cycle
  1. 甲申春日谋大计,和谐中国谱新篇。

    Jiashen spring plans to seek a harmonious Chinese New Chapter .

  2. 评《甲申文化宣言》的学理基础

    A Comment on Theoretical Basis of Cultural Declaration 2004

  3. 《甲申文化宣言》的学理基础中存在的问题很多。

    There are a lot of problems in the scientific basis for Jia Shen Cultural Declaration .

  4. 甲申中秋的钢琴狂欢&2004上海音乐学院附中首届钢琴艺术节纪实

    Report on the 2004 First Piano Artistry Festival of the Affiliated Middle School of Shanghai Music Conservatory

  5. 在明清易代的变革中,更简单以甲申、乙酉二年是否殉国为判断忠与不忠的唯一标准。

    In the alternation between the Ming and Qing Dynasties , whether they gave their lives for their country in 1644 and 1645 or not was the only loyal criterion .

  6. 《甲申文化宣言》的要害是拒斥先进文化&再谈甲申360年前的历史教训

    The Essence of " Cultural Declaration in the Year of Monkey ( 2004 )" Rejecting Advanced Culture Another Look at Historical Lessons 360 Years Ago in the Year of Monkey