
  • 网络space weapon
  1. 二十个不结盟国家敦促签订禁止太空武器的条约。

    A group of20 nonaligned nations urged a treaty to ban space weapons .

  2. 俄罗斯和中国几年来一直致力于推动太空武器禁令协议的签订。

    For several years , the Russians and Chinese have been trying to push a treaty to ban space weapons .

  3. 在外星人入侵的情况下,英国就可以完全合法的使用自己的太空武器了。

    In which case , they can operate their space objects in perfect legality .

  4. 中国军事专家强烈否认了中国可能正计划建造太空武器的说法。

    Chinese military experts fiercely denied that the country might be planning to build weapons in space .

  5. 报道中说,中国与俄罗斯在联合国共同向裁军谈判会议全体会议提交草案,建议制定新的国际条约,禁止使用太空武器。

    China and Russia submitted to a UN-sponsored disarmament conference a joint proposal for an international treaty to ban the deployment of weapons in outer space .

  6. 中国方面昨天告知,中国发射的第一颗打击轨道卫星的导弹是有意的,目的是迫使美国加入禁止太空武器的会谈。

    China signalled yesterday that its first missile strike against an orbiting satellite was intended to force the US into talks aimed at abolishing weapons in space .

  7. 还有一份著名的谢尔顿名单。美国著名作家西德尼-谢尔顿曾著有小说《世界末日》,他指出,英国多名太空武器专家也遭遇了神秘死亡。

    There is also the famous " Sheldon list . " The famous American writer Sidney Sheldon , working on his novel " The End of the World ", drew attention to a series of mysterious deaths among British specialists developing space weapons .

  8. 还有一份著名的“谢尔顿名单”。美国著名作家西德尼-谢尔顿曾著有小说《世界末日》,他指出,英国多名太空武器专家也遭遇了神秘死亡。

    There is also the famous " Sheldon list . " The famous American writer Sidney Sheldon , working on his novel " The End of the World , " drew attention to a series of mysterious deaths among British specialists developing space weapons .

  9. 该片的情节涉及一个巨大的太空激光武器和一辆隐形车。

    The film 's plot involved a giant space laser and an invisible car .

  10. 承诺不在太空部署武器,中美两国就可以致力于和平而稳定的空间开发。

    By committing to keep space weapons-free , China and the US can work to ensure peaceful and stable exploration .

  11. 第四,承诺不在太空部署武器,尽早减少并最终消除核武器。

    Fourth , commitment to having no weapons in space and the early reduction and eventual elimination of nuclear weapons .

  12. 2002年,中国和俄罗斯建议签订条约,禁止在太空布置武器或对太空目标进行打击。

    In2002 , China and Russia proposed a treaty banning the deployment of weapons in space or attacks against space-based objects .

  13. 萨里夫和达兹贝尔教授两人都曾为英国政府一项太空电子武器计划工作,类似于美国的星球大战计划。

    Both of them worked on the development of electronic weapons for a British government program , similar to the American Star Wars .

  14. 萨里夫和达兹贝尔教授两人都曾为英国政府一项太空电子武器计划工作,类似于美国的“星球大战”计划。

    Both of them worked on the development of electronic weapons for a British government program , similar to the American " Star Wars . "

  15. 美出台太空作战计划和多种太空武器

    US Air Force Put Plan and Weapon for Space War Space life

  16. 各国可以为了“和平目的”自由使用太空,但不可以对太空天体主张主权,也不可在太空部署核武器。

    Countries are free to use space for " peaceful purposes " but may not stake territorial claims to celestial bodies or place nuclear weapons in space .