
  • 网络Normalization of Sino US relations;the normalization of US-China relations
  1. 由于是在中美关系正常化之后一年举行的,所以这次展览也颇具历史意义。

    It was historic as well , since it followed the normalization of US-China relations early in the previous year .

  2. 因篇幅所限,本文主要考察了鲍大可在中美关系正常化这一关键过程中所做的贡献。

    This article concentrates on examining his contribution in the crucial process to the normalization of US-China relations .

  3. 国内学术界关于中美关系正常化进程迟缓的原因研究

    The Domestic Studies of the Reasons for the Slowness of Normalization of Sino-US Relations

  4. 本文探讨了中美关系正常化中的经济因素,指出正是因为美国国力的相对下降,长期对华封锁禁运使美国付出了昂贵的政治、经济代价;

    The article probes into the economy factor in the normalization of foreign relationships between US and China .

  5. 几乎从一开始,中美关系正常化就促成了中美两国的安全合作,这给两国都带来了切实的好处。

    It precipitated almost from the start security co-operation that has been of genuine benefit both to the US and China .

  6. 考察中美关系正常化的全过程,论述美国在中美关系正常化过程中对华政策的决策模式。

    This article explores the whole process of Sino-US normalization in the 1770s , focusing on decision-making mode of American policy toward China .

  7. 随着中美关系正常化及中美政治、经济和文化交流的加强,中国掀起了一股美语热。

    With the normalization of Sino-US relations and the increasing Sino-American exchanges in politics , economy and culture , there has been enthusiasm of studying AmE in China .

  8. 双方认为,中美关系正常化不仅符合中国人民和美国人民的利益,而且有助于亚洲和世界的和平事业。

    Both believe that normalization of Sino-American relations is not only in the interest of the Chinese and American peoples but also contributes to the cause of peace in Asia and the world .

  9. 在美国与中华人民共和国关系历程中,基辛格不仅是中美关系正常化的开启者,而且是中美关系三十年来稳定发展的维护者。

    In the development of Sino-American relations , Henry Kissinger is not only one of the initiators of rapprochement , but also a supporter for steady development of Sino-American relations in the past thirty years .

  10. 次日,周总理、姬鹏飞、乔冠华同志同他进行了亲切友好的会谈,就中美关系正常化和共同关心的问题充分交换了意见。

    The next day , Premier zhou , Ji pengfei , and Qiao Guanhua had a close talking with him and exchanged views on the normalization of Sino-US relations and the issues they were concerned about .

  11. 在新中国突破外部封锁、恢复在联合国的合法席位、实现中美关系正常化等关键时刻,巴基斯坦都提供了宝贵帮助。

    At the crucial moments when China sought to break the external blockade , restore its lawful seat at the United Nations and achieve the normalization of relations with the United States , we received valuable help from Pakistan .

  12. 自此,中美关系实现正常化。

    Normalization of Sino-U.S. relations was thus achieved .

  13. 我第一次来中国是在1978年12月,那正是中美关系开始正常化的时候。

    I first arrived in China in December 1978 , just as Sino-American relations were being normalized .

  14. 大家都知道,上世纪七十年代末,世界上发生两件相互关联的大事:中国开始改革开放和中美关系实现正常化。

    You all know about two interconnected , major events in the world in the late1970s : the start of reform and opening-up in China and the normalization of China-US relations .

  15. 基于Web的公钥基础设施优化与实现在此基础上,中美关系实现了正常化。

    Optimization and implementation of PKI on web On this basis , relations between the United States and China were normalized .

  16. 第二,中美关系实现了正常化;

    Second , relations between China and the United States have been normalized .

  17. 你知道中美关系是如何正常化的吗?

    Do you know how the relationship between China and the United States was normalized ?

  18. 在公报中,双方声明:“中美两国关系走向正常化是符合所有国家的利益。”

    Both sides stated in the Communique that " the normalization of the bilateral relations between China and the United States is consistent with the interest of all nations . "

  19. 在此基础上,中美两国关系实现了正常化。

    On this basis , relations between the United States and China were normalized .