
  1. 随着世事变迁,军府制的弊端不断显露,逐渐成为新疆发展的障碍。

    As the Society changes , the military government gradually show the drawbacks . It become an obstacle to the development of Xinjiang .

  2. 新疆建省,是清朝政府对历代治边政策的重大调整,也是对前期在新疆实施军府制的重大变革。

    The establishment of Xinjiang Province , is the Qing government border policy of the successive major adjustment , but also on the early implementation of Military Administration in Xinjiang , a major change .

  3. 清代新疆军府制时期的法律基本是民族、地域、宗教文化三者合一制度安排与权力配置下的板块式的多元。

    The law of Xinjiang in Qing Dynasty during the Military Administration period is the plate multi-type , what formed under the institutional arrangements and power distribution combining with the minority 、 area and the religious culture . 3 .

  4. 清朝统一新疆之后,在当地长期实行军府管理制。

    After Qing Dynasty unified Xinjiang , military control was long carried out .