
qīnɡ nián jūn
  • student volunteer units formed toward the end of the Sino-Japanese War
  1. 录像做得像是给希特勒青年军征兵的。

    You 've made a recruitment video for the Hitler youth .

  2. 它发生在索马里这个国家,政府军和叛军伊斯兰青年军控制的地区。

    This was in the nation of Somalia , at a compound controlled by al Shabaab .

  3. 这位长期在位的领队坚持假如没有找到适合的新援,他依然信赖他的青年军。

    The long-serving manager maintained that he had faith in his youngsters if the right signing could not be found .

  4. 如果说湖人青年军没有个人成熟的目标,这是不公平的。

    It 's not fair if we say the so-called Baby Lakers don 't have grown-up goals of their own as individuals .

  5. 这位历史成就大满贯的超级巨星感到更加兴奋的,是可以带领他的青年军走向又一场胜利。

    The superstar with no shortage of historic achievements was more excited about leading his surging new team to yet another win .

  6. 沃伦。乔西的青年军没有打出最佳状态,半场前取得进球有点星云。

    Warren Joyce 's youthful side were not at their best throughout and were a little fortunate to take a lead into the break .

  7. 切尔西的青年军将会在八月到马来西亚参加一项大型的锦标赛。到时候亦会有来看世界各地不同的顶级俱乐部参与其中。

    Chelsea 's youth team will take part in a major tournament featuring many of the world 's top clubs in Malaysia in august .

  8. 今年九月,索马里青年军在肯尼亚一家地标性购物中心发动恐怖袭击,导致65人丧生,再次震惊全球。

    Al-Shabaab again captured global headlines with a terrorist attack on a landmark shopping mall in Kenya this September , killing more than 65 people .

  9. 正如今晚麦克马洪的预备队正在备战做客与伯恩利的比赛,我们继续我们青年军系列采访之后卫斯瑞福尔。

    As John McMahon 's second-string prepare for tonight 's trip to Burnley , we continue our series of reserve interviews with defender Robbie Threlfall .

  10. 但这并非一场无关紧要的比赛。赫尔正为保级而战,而曼联青年军也需要证明自己。

    But it was far from a meaningless fixture : Hull were fighting for top-flight survival , while United 's youngsters all had points to prove .

  11. 穆帅的第三个愿望是,人们不要以为切尔西只是击败了阿森纳青年军,实际上,切尔西击败的是整支阿森纳球队。

    Wish number three was that people didn 't talk just of Chelsea beating a young Arsenal team , but that they had also beaten an accomplished Arsenal team .

  12. 曼联的胜利可以视为这支青年军的一个新起点,同时也是今后功成名就的催化剂。

    Victory for united in the cup final will act as a positive starting point for this new young team , as well as a catalyst for future success .

  13. 然而赤军并不是仅仅成长青年军,期待他们进入一线队&同时,他们还需要立即就能上场的球员。

    However , Liverpool isn 't just prepared to develop youth players and wait for them to progress into first-team players – they also need players they can use now .

  14. 他被打成右派也是有几个原因,第一是他当过几年兵,当过青年军,他是在高中的时候就参军了。

    There were several reasons he was cast as a rightist , the first being that he had spent several years in the army as a young soldier during senior high school .

  15. 虽然曼联青年军已经崭露头角,但弗格森爵士打算在周三的欧冠首战中使用老将。

    Although United 's young team have made a flying start to the season , Sir Alex Ferguson intends to field a more experienced side for Wednesday 's UEFA Champions League opener against Benfica .

  16. 但是,健康专注的76人是联盟之为之胆寒的青年军,健康的恩比德是联盟前五的球员,而如果西蒙斯能投进一半投丢的球,在23岁之前他将会成为一名近乎完美的球员。

    And yet : Philly , when everything clicks , is the scariest young team in the league . If Embiid stays healthy he 'll be one of the five best players in the league , and if Simmons gets even half of a jumpshot he 'll be close to unstoppable by the time he 's 23 years old .

  17. 当带着这些代名词横空出世的90后渐渐成为社会青年主力军的时候,他们的一切成长和变化都受到了人们越来越多的关注。

    When they become the main power of the young people in society , people pay more and more attention to their growth and change .

  18. 俄罗斯享誉世界的著名作家法捷耶夫的《毁灭》和《青年近卫军》是社会主义现实主义的经典作品。

    " Destruction " and " the Young Guards ", written by Fajeyev , a world known Russian novelist , are classics of the socialist realism .

  19. 投票允许同性恋青年成为童子军。

    Voted to allow gay youth to be scouts .

  20. 以色列青年拒绝成为占领军

    Israeli youths refuse to become an " occupying army "

  21. 法国青年纷纷加入共和军;

    The youth of France poured into the Republican armies ;

  22. 去年以来村子里的很多青年都参了军。

    Many young people of the village have joined up since last year .

  23. 荔枝角道儿童及青年中心〔救世军〕

    Lai Chi Kok Road Children and Youth Centre [ The Salvation Army ]