
  • 网络Youth Volunteers;volunteer;young volunteer
  1. 方法:应用Bilitec2000便携式胆红素监测仪和pH监测仪同步监测48名健康青年志愿者的24h胃内pH和胆汁反流情况。

    Methods : Forty-eight young healthy volunteers were investigated in this study . 24-hour intragastric pH and bile reflux monitoring were performed with ambulatory bilirubin monitor ( Bilitec 2000 ) and pH monitor synchronously .

  2. 研究旨在进一步探索同一人种的不同民族之间GPIb的多态性是否存在差异。血小板从84名健康鄂温克族、85名达斡尔族青年志愿者采血分离而获得。

    To study the differences of the GPIb polymorphism patterns between the Ewenki and Daur nationalities , Platelet samples were obtained from 169 healthy young Chinese volunteers , 84 Ewenki and 85 Daur ;

  3. 对青年志愿者开展农村卫生扶贫的思考

    Thinking of youth volunteers developing sanitation support in the needy region

  4. 432例青年志愿者胃内螺杆菌感染情况调查

    Investigation of the Helicobacter infection in 432 cases of young soldiers

  5. 高校青年志愿者活动的德育功能分析

    The Functional Analysis of Moral Education for Activities of College Youth Volunteers

  6. 对高校青年志愿者服务进行了概述。

    A summary of the services of university youth volunteers .

  7. 青年志愿者组织的法律制度体系初探

    Preliminary Research on the Legal System of Youth Volunteers Organization

  8. 青年志愿者活动对培养医学生道德素质的作用

    Roles of Youth Volunteer activities in cultivating moral qualities of medical students

  9. 奥运会青年志愿者价值的深层思考

    Thinking on the Value of Adolescent Volunteers for Olympic Games

  10. 高校青年志愿者活动在思想道德教育中的价值

    The Value of College Youth Volunteer Activity in Ideological and Moral Education

  11. 2005年5月表现突出获得校级优秀青年志愿者称号。

    May2005 university-level outstanding outstanding youth volunteers won the title .

  12. 论青年志愿者在志愿服务活动中的个体调适

    Youth Volunteers ' Individual Adjustment in Voluntary Service Project

  13. 略谈新形势下高校青年志愿者服务工作

    A Brief Discussion of the University Young Volunteer Services under the New Situation

  14. 青年志愿者行动的服务对象主要有那些?

    Who are the main ones that YVP serves ?

  15. 深圳青年志愿者的个案研究

    A case study of some young volunteers in Shenzhen

  16. 青年志愿者行动的价值内涵

    On the Intrinsic Values of the Young Volunteers

  17. 湖南省青年志愿者行动的现状及对策研究

    Problems & Countermeasures Young Volunteer Action in Hunan

  18. 青年志愿者服务立法及其对共青团工作的影响

    Analysis of Young Volunteer Service Legislation and its impact on the Communist Youth League

  19. 共青团对青年志愿者的管理定位研究

    Research on Location of the Communist Youth League on the Management of Young Volunteers

  20. 健康青年志愿者一过性下食管括约肌松弛

    Transient lower esophageal sphincter relaxation in young adults

  21. 关于高校青年志愿者社区服务的几点思考

    Ponders on College Young Volunteers ' Community Service

  22. 青年志愿者们都来自不同的国家。

    The young volunteers come from different countries .

  23. 青年志愿者活动与大学生道德素质的培养

    The Activities of Youth Volunteer and the Cultivation of Moral Qualities of University Students

  24. 推进青年志愿者活动提高大学生思想政治教育的实效性

    The Youth Volunteer Activities and the Effectiveness of Ideological and Political Education in University

  25. •课外活动包括青年志愿者工作,还参加过鼓励妇女从事科技工作的项目

    • Extracurricular involvement includes youth volunteer work and programs engaging women in science and tech

  26. 开展青年志愿者活动,丰富新农村医疗体制改革

    Develop the youth volunteer activity , make the reform of new countryside medical system plentiful

  27. 论青年志愿者行动与精神

    On young volunteers ' act and spirit

  28. 青年志愿者活动是教育培养医学生道德素质的有效载体。

    Youth Volunteer activity is an effective way to improve the moral quality of medical students .

  29. 青年志愿者活动是青年文明工程的重要组成部分。

    The activity of the youth volunteers is the important part of the youth civilization project .

  30. 青年志愿者在服务过程中实现自我教育;

    Many young volunteers have come to finish their self education in the process of service .