
  • 网络science magazine;science;scientific journal
  1. A:我刚看了一本科学杂志。

    A : I just read a science magazine .

  2. 但最近,科学杂志《自然》刊登了一篇具有开创性意义的研究文章。文章里说,IQ可以在四年内提高21点或者下降18点,着实令人惊奇。

    But according to a recent groundbreaking study published in science magazine Nature , IQ can rise by a staggering 21 points over four years – or fall by 18 .

  3. 该研究发表在《精神医学与临床神经科学杂志》上,研究发现那些从事编织和钩织等手艺的人患轻度认知障碍和记忆力丧失可能性会降低。

    The study , published in the Journal of Neuropsychiatry & Clinical Neurosciences , found that those who engaged in crafts like knitting and crocheting had a diminished chance of developing mild cognitive disorder and memory loss .

  4. 高分子科学杂志,C辑:聚合物评论。

    Journal of Macromolecular Science , Part C : Polymer Reviews .

  5. 聚合物科学杂志,B辑:聚合物物理学。

    Journal of Polymer Science , Part B : Polymer Physics .

  6. 高分子科学杂志,C辑:高分子化学与物理学评论。

    Journal of Macromolecular Science , Part C : Reviews in Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics .

  7. 《中华男科学杂志》与《AsianJournalofAndrology》引文比较分析

    Citation Analysis of National Journal of Andrology and Asian Journal of Andrology

  8. 目前科学家们综合气象站的记录以及卫星测量的数据,发现南极这个冰冻的大陆实际上也在变暖。这项研究结果发表在科学杂志《自然》(Nature)上。

    Now scientists have combined weather station records with satellite measurements to find that the frozen continent is indeed warming , according to research published in the scientific journal Nature .

  9. 刊载于《神经科学杂志》(journalofneuroscience)的这篇研究,突出表明从事重要工作的人防范睡眠缺乏的重要性,例如夜间驾驶。

    The study , published in the Journal of neuroscience , highlights the importance of preventing sleep deprivation in people doing critical tasks , such as night driving .

  10. 乔治亚瑞金斯大学(GeorgiaRegentsUniversity,位于美国奥古斯塔)的研究人员以这种渗漏造成的后果为对象进行了一系列新颖的神经生物学实验,并将其发表于上个月的《神经科学杂志》(TheJournalofNeuroscience)上。

    The consequences of that seepage became the subject of new neurological experiments conducted by researchers at Georgia Regents University in Augusta and published last month in The Journal of Neuroscience .

  11. 最近,该实验室在一份对外公开的《bmc神经科学杂志》上发表了一篇名为“多样化都市人口的嗅觉人口统计”的普查结果。

    The lab recently published their extensive survey titled " an olfactory demography of a diverse metropolitan population " in the open-access journal BMC neuroscience .

  12. 德国科学杂志《PM》还透露,德军在战败后,曾经销毁了大部分关于UFO的文件。但是1960年加拿大UFO专家设法重建了一个,令人吃惊的是,这个长相奇怪的物体竟然飞了起来。

    The magazine says that the Germans destroyed much of the paperwork on their activities but in 1960 in Canada UFO experts managed to recreate the device which , to their amazement , ' did actually fly ' .

  13. 根据一项发表在《心理科学杂志》上的题为“虐待儿童可能造成的影响”的研究,一小部分退伍军人患上了创伤后应激障碍,略作PTSD,然而对战争的恐惧并不足以使他们患上这种心理疾病。

    A subset of veterans develop post-traumatic stress disorder , or PTSD . But it might not be only the horrors of battle that make them susceptible . According to a study in the journal Psychological Science echoes of childhood abuse may contribute .

  14. 这篇报告刊登在3月12日《神经科学杂志》上,加州大学欧文分校的YuncaiChen,CelineDubé和CourtneyBurgdorff也参与了此次研究。此次研究由美国国立卫生研究院赞助支持。

    The study appears in the March 12 edition of the Journal of Neuroscience . Yuncai Chen , Celine Dub é and Courtney Burgdorff of UC Irvine also participated in the study , which was supported by the National Institutes of Health .

  15. 加施也是在GLBRC和合作,对本集团的研究研究,是在遗传学十二月号发表作品的作家研究员-遗传学会在美国的科学杂志上。

    Gasch is also a researcher at the GLBRC and co-author of a study on the group 's research that was published in the December issue of Genetics-the Genetics Society of America 's scientific journal .

  16. 本周,科学杂志发表了Berger博士对源泉种的一系列新发现,称源泉种实际上要早于直立猿人,并且其结构的某些部分与现代人也极为相似。

    This week , however , a range of new research into sediba , again led by Dr Berger , has been published in Science . These studies conclude that sediba did in fact predate Homo erectus and , moreover , that parts of its anatomy are surprisingly similar to modern man .

  17. 这个研究结果被刊登在今天的新科学杂志上。

    The research is reported in today 's New Scientist magazine .

  18. 她读那本通俗科学杂志时把其中的术语跳过未读

    She slip the jargon when she read the popular science magazine

  19. 你在看那本科学杂志里的什么文章?

    What are you reading about in that science magazine ?

  20. 《中国神经科学杂志》总目次2005年第21卷第1-6期

    Neuroscience bulletin total content ( Vol. 21 No.1-6 2005 ) magazine data

  21. 该研究本月早些时候发表于科学杂志。

    The study appeared earlier this month in Science magazine .

  22. 引自《自然地球科学杂志》。

    So says a study in the journal Nature Geoscience .

  23. 科学杂志:确定他是首发病例吗?

    Science : Is it accurate that he is the index case ?

  24. 这是根据在《心理学科学杂志》上发表的研究得出的结论。

    That 's according to a study in the journal Psychological Science .

  25. 科研人员将药物的说明发表在科学杂志上。

    The researchers described the drug in science magazine .

  26. 材料科学杂志:医用材料。

    Journal of Materials Science : Materials in Medicine .

  27. 中华耳科学杂志《中华眼科杂志》内容简介中国药学(英文版)索引第15卷第1~4期目次

    Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences contents of Volume 15

  28. 此研究发表于科学杂志上。

    The research is published in the journal Science .

  29. 他为一家大众科学杂志撰稿。

    He writes for a journal of popular science .

  30. 这项研究发表在美国妇产科学杂志。

    The study is published in the American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology .