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  • Academy of Science
科学院 [kē xué yuàn]
  • [Academy of Science] 下属许多研究所从事基础研究和应用研究的科学管理机构或各研究所的总体

科学院[kē xué yuàn]
  1. 这次报告会是由科学院主办的。

    The lecture was given under the auspices of the Academy of Sciences .

  2. 美国国家科学院的报告强调了立方体卫星在科学探索和培养未来太空科学家和工程师方面的重要性。

    The National Academy of Sciences report emphasizes CubeSats ' importance in scientific discovery and the training of future space scientists and engineers .

  3. 她是上智大学科学院的院长。

    She was Dean of the Science faculty at Sophia University .

  4. 她是新任社会科学院院长。

    She is the new dean of the faculty social sciences .

  5. 正如美国国家科学院在最近的一份报告中所强调的那样,这些卫星在使卫星科学变得更加平易近人上有着巨大的潜力。

    As a recent report from the National Academy of Sciences highlights , these satellites hold tremendous potential for making satellite-based science more accessible than ever before .

  6. 它们或许是古代的“制酒工具”,是中国啤酒酿制的最早的直接证据,研究者们在《美国国家科学院学报》中这样写到。

    They may be ancient " beer-making tools , " and the earliest direct evidence of beer brewing in China , the researchers reported in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences .

  7. 4月30日,她成为了美国国家科学院的100名新成员和25名外国同事之一。

    On April 30 , she was included among the 100 new members and 25 foreign associates into the US Natinal Academy of Science

  8. 当选为英国人文社会科学院的院士

    to be elected to fellowship of the British Academy

  9. 我昨天去访问了中国科学院。

    I visited Chinese Academy of Sciences yesterday .

  10. 全国人大代表、中国中医科学院院长张伯礼

    Zhang Boli , NPC deputy and president of the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences

  11. 中国医学科学院皮肤病研究所常务副所长孙建方

    Sun Jianfang , managing deputy director of Institute of Dermatology , Chinese Academy of Medical sciences .

  12. 中国科学院最近的一项调查警告称,超80%的儿童和青少年在上学期间没有得到足够睡眠。

    Recent research from the Chinese Academy of Sciences also warned that more than 80 percent of children and teenagers do not get enough sleep on school days .

  13. 中国社会科学院中国廉政研究中心上个月发布的一项涵盖5865人的调查显示,96%的受访者对疾控工作感到满意。

    A survey of 5865 people issued last month by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences ' China Anti-Corruption Research Center showed 96 percent of respondents were satisfied with the epidemic control work .

  14. 但是根据一个由国家科学院去年召开的学术会议的测算我们历史上高服刑率和我们的低犯罪率的关系并不十分牢靠犯罪率的高低和我们送多少年轻人进监狱并无关系

    But according to a committee of academics convened27 by the National Academy of Sciences last year , the relationship between our historically high incarceration rates and our low crime rate is pretty shaky . It turns out that the crime rate goes up and down irrespective of how many young people we send to prison .

  15. 三层Web结构实现军事医学科学院仪器设备管理系统

    Implementing the management system of AMMS apparatuses with a 3-tier architecture

  16. 军事医学科学院生物医学Web服务器的建立

    Design and Implementation of the Biomedical Information Web Server of the Academy of Military Medical Sciences

  17. 中国社会科学院(ChineseAcademyofSocialSciences)社会学所研究员、性别学专家李银河说,在中国,年龄是决定升迁的重要因素。

    ' In China , age is a very big factor for promotions , 'says Li Yinhe , a gender sociologist at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences .

  18. 1999年中国科学院岩士所王笑海博士在基于三维拓扑格网结构的GIS地层模型研究中,介绍了利用钻孔资料建立三维岩土工程地基模型的方法。

    In 1999 , Wang Xiaohai brought forward a method to generate 3D rock-cliff project groundsill model based three-dimensional topological grid structure in the researching of GIS stratum models .

  19. 方法对1990~2002年中国医学科学院中国协和医科大学血液学研究所血液病医院收治的45例GT患儿的临床表现、实验室资料、治疗措施进行回顾分析。

    Methods The clinical features , lab examination and medical treatment of 45 GT patients were retrospectively analyzed .

  20. 美国国家科学院(NationalAcademyofSciences)一项重要的新研究着眼于气候变化的影响和天气条件,并探索了极端天气事件归因这个棘手难题。

    A new and important study from the National Academy of Sciences in the US focuses on the impact of climate change and weather conditions and explores the vexed question of event attribution .

  21. 根据中国社会科学院和北京教育咨询公司麦可思研究院(MyCOSResearchInstitute)的调查,去年中国高校毕业生就业率为90%。

    The employment rate of college graduates last year was 90 % , according to a survey by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and MyCOS Research Institute , a Beijing-based education consulting firm .

  22. 中国社会科学院的一名经济学家张磊称贷款的剧增是CPI增长的主要原因。

    Zhang Lei , an economist with Chinese Academy of Social Sciences , says the credit boom is the main reason for the CPI growth .

  23. 军事医学科学院在线教育系统的研建在充分调研在线教育系统实现核心技术的基础上,经比较,选择了教育网站方式的技术平台,即成熟的ASP技术及流媒体技术。

    Based on detailed studies of the kernel technology of the on-line education system and comparisons , a technological platform similar to an education Website , sophisticated ASP technologies and smooth-media technologies have been selected .

  24. 中国科学院ARP(AcademiaResourcePlanning)系统是实现中国科学院科学的资源规划的管理信息系统,高能所是中科院实施ARP项目的六家试点单位之一。

    ARP ( Academia Resource Planning ) System is a Management Information System aimed to achieve scientific Academia Resource Planning . Institute of High Energy Physics is one of the six experimental units of ARP implementing .

  25. 案例的主体是X研究中心,它是广东省科学院下属的一家国有科研事业单位,其主要业务范围是承担自动化信息技术研究、产品开发和工程技术咨询任务。

    The leading role in the case is the X Research Center ( XRC ); it belongs to Guangdong Academy of Science . The business of the XRC focuses on automatic information technology research , product development and engineering technology-consulting service .

  26. 中国社会科学院高级研究员徐奇渊表示,尽管食品价格上涨,但中国居民消费价格指数(CPI)一直保持稳定。

    A senior researcher at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences , Xu Qiyuan , said that despite the rising food prices , China 's CPI has been stable .

  27. 方法:回顾性分析军事医学科学院附属医院44例肿瘤患者使用国产和进口长春瑞滨的情况,采用最小成本法对NP方案(长春瑞滨+顺铂)进行经济学评价。

    Methods : To retrospectively analyze 44 cases on the application of vinorelbine in therapeutic scheme of NP ( vinorelbine + DDP ) and to evaluate the economic effectiveness with minimized cost analysis .

  28. 这个研究项目由罗马圣心天主教大学的Pani博士负责,该研究的具体细节刊登在《国家科学院学报》的期刊论文上。

    The work by Dr Pani , of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Rome is detailed in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences .

  29. 在中国科学院(CAS)提交给国务院的一份报告中,专家们敦促相关方面进行反思:是否应把重点放在大规模基础设施投资、尤其是放在高铁扩张计划上。

    In a report submitted by the China Academy of Science to the State Council , experts urged a rethink of the emphasis on massive infrastructure investment , particularly the bullet train expansion programme .

  30. 针对ECR离子源的束流引出及传输研究,在中国科学院近代物理研究所的LECR3离子源实验平台上开展了大量的实验。

    Experiments concerning the ion beam extraction and transmission have been done in Institute of Modern Physics on the Lanzhou Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Source No. 3 experimental platform .