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  1. 青铜编钟的发展脉络

    Research on the Development of Chinese Bronze Chime bells

  2. 青铜编钟起源的探讨

    The origin of Chinese bronze chime - bells

  3. 曾侯乙青铜编钟,战国,曾侯乙墓出土,湖北省博物馆藏。

    Bronzt Bell Chime of Zenghouyi , Warring States Period , unearthed at the Zenghouyi Tomb , in the Hubei Provincial Museum .

  4. 作为固定音高的青铜乐器,编钟的铸制与音律设计、音高调试,成为宋代新乐议制和推行的重要物质基础。

    The bronze musical instruments , as the one with fixed pitch , along with its musical temperament design , pitch tuning , it became an important material base to pursue Song new music system .

  5. 青铜乐器:青铜鼓、青铜编钟、铃等等。

    Music instruments : bronze drum , bronze bells , and small bells etc.