
  • 网络background independence
  1. 环圈量子重力学用行话来说,是背景独立的。

    Loop quantum gravity is , in the jargon , background independent .

  2. 言语行为的发生是一种个体行为,但任何个体都不可能脱离特定的社会文化历史背景独立存在,它必须受到特定文化规约的制约。

    Speech act is an individual act , but anyone can 't exist independently in social culture and history , and he must be restricted by a social culture and history .

  3. 金融危机背景下独立学院毕业生就业困境与对策

    Independent College Graduates ' Employment Predicament in the Financial Crisis and Countermeasures

  4. 最后指出,中国炼丹术和西方炼金术是在各自的文化背景中独立产生和发展起来的。

    The paper concludes that alchemy in China and in the West emerged and developed independently under their respective cultural backgrounds .

  5. 一个直截了当的解决方案是,让主要国家或集团在浮动汇率的背景下独立制定国内通胀目标。

    A straightforward solution would be for the main countries or groupings to target domestic inflation independently in the context of flexible exchange rates .

  6. 在中外思想史上,一种自成体系的理论思维方式往往不可能脱离其文化背景而独立存在。

    Throughout the ideological history of both China and the other countries , any independent theoretical thinking must be rooted in a certain cultural background .

  7. 尤其是有着独特办学背景的独立学院,学生的思想状况和价值观问题表现尤为突出。

    In particular , Independent college , which has a unique background of running a college , student 's thought condition and the values question performance outstandingly .

  8. 通过独立性相对较强的董事会披露,并由有国有背景的独立第三方进行审计,接受国家审计署的抽查监督等。

    Through the board which is comparatively more independent to disclosure and audit by the state-owned background independent third party , and accept the supervision of the national audit office spot check .

  9. 另外,聘请具有公司背景的独立董事更有助于公司引入战略合作伙伴。(5)独立董事的教育背景、学术背景对公司绩效没有显著的作用。

    In addition , independent directors with working background are conducive to get strategic partners . ( 5 ) The education or academic background of independent directors has no significant effect upon company performance .

  10. 中国的文学观念,由于有外在实用和内在抒情的动力,逐渐从先秦学术一体的背景下独立出来,就其根本,还是个体情感抒发的内在动因,主情是其本质特点。

    The literature idea of China , because there is practical and lyrical motive force , gradually from academy of pre-Qin seperate under the integrative background , at all their , the inherent reason that the individual emotion expresses , the main feeling is its essential characteristic .

  11. 第三部分论述萧红坚持了左翼背景下的独立创作。

    The third part deals with Xiao adhered to the left-wing independent creation in the background .

  12. “雨滴”噪声场实验验证了声压、振速通道各向同性背景噪声的独立性。

    The " raindrop " noise field experiment proved that the pressure and particle velocity of isotropy background noise are independent .

  13. 在大众文化日益消解精英文化的背景下,独立影像所彰显出的精英文化难能可贵;

    In the background that the mass culture has been undermining the elite culture , the elite culture reflected by the independent films is more than valuable ;

  14. 在国家积极鼓励多种形式办学和高校大幅度扩招的背景下,独立学院得到了迅速发展。

    And it has been growing rapidly against the backdrop of country actively encouraging and supporting to build schools in various forms and substantial enrollment in universities .

  15. 本研究将视野集中于董事会特征,并将其分别划分为宏观总体特征、董事会成员背景特征以及独立董事特征三个维度。

    This study will focus on board characteristics , divided into general characteristics , background characteristics of members of the board and the characteristics of three independent directors .

  16. 正是在这一背景下,独立董事制度作为完善公司治理结构,制衡执行董事和管理层的有效措施得到了广泛的认同和支持。

    Exactly under this background , it has acquired extensive agreement that independent director system can be used as a valid measure to corporate governance and balance the executive director and management layer .

  17. 所以本文的主要内容从文化开始入手,阐释明晰大学校园文化处于亚文化层面,是属于社会大文化背景之中相对独立的一部分。

    Therefore , the main contents of this article began from the culture and explain clearly that the campus culture at a sub-cultural dimension is a relatively independent part in the background of main social culture .

  18. 介绍了独立董事制度的理论基础、独立董事影响公司绩效的内在机理,从委托&代理理论、契约理论和乘务员理论分析了中国制度背景下的独立董事制度。

    It introduces the theoretical basis of independent director system , intrinsic mechanism that independent directors influence company performance , and analyses the independent director system under the background of Chinese system by agency theory , contract theory and steward theory .

  19. 在科教兴国以及高等教育大众化背景下,独立学院作为一种新型办学模式,有力地扩大了优质高等教育资源,对提高我国高等教育大众化水平做出了较大贡献。

    Technology and education as well as the popularization of higher education in the context of Independent Colleges is a new educational model , a strong expansion of high-quality higher education resources , enhancing the level of higher education in China has made great contribution to popularization .

  20. 结合外贸企业业务特征与企业文化背景看,独立的、呆板的讨论外贸企业某方面问题是片面的,最终对解决内蒙古外贸企业生存与发展的问题是无效的。

    Combining with the operation characters and cultural background in the corporation it is unilateral to make an independent and formalistic discussion on a certain fact . For the survival and development problems at the foreign trade corporation in Inner Mongolia it is invalid on solving problems finally .

  21. 基于非高斯杂波背景,通过通道独立的仿真方法进行极化SAR图像仿真,计算并比较了多极化SAR在陆地和海洋目标的检测率和虚警率。

    Based on the Non-Gaussian clutter model , channel independent methods are used to simulate polarimetric SAR images and the detection rate and false alarm rate are calculated using land and ocean data .

  22. 可以清除背景图案,进行独立的绘画操作。

    Option to Clear the background image and sketched image separately .

  23. 非依法律行为的不动产物权变动研究&以实质主义登记立法为背景关于物权契约独立性理论建构的前提性反思

    Transfer of Real Property Arising from Non-Legal Transaction The Reflection on Premise of the Principle of Division of the Contract of Transfer of the Right on Property

  24. 使用宏观总体特征变量、董事会成员背景特征变量以及独立董事特征变量作为解释变量,验证其对非效率投资的影响。

    Use the general characteristics of Board , background characteristics of board members and characteristics of independent directors as explanatory variables ; verify the impact on inefficient investments .

  25. 随着入学人数的增加,中国高等教育正式跨入大众化教育时代,在这一背景下产生了独立学院这一新型教育模式。

    As the numbers of students keep increasing , Chinese higher education has stepped into an era of public education , which produces independent colleges in the new educational background .

  26. 为了减少在线检测过程中的运算量,选择背景图像中一些独立、相对静止区域代替背景图像;

    Then some independent , relatively still regions in the image are chosen to replace the whole background image in order to reduce the heavy calculation in the on-line detecting .

  27. 文章分析了独立学院产生和发展的背景,归纳出独立学院现存的办学模式,指出独立学院未来的发展方向。

    My paper analyzes the engendering and developing background of the Independent college , defines and induces the schooling setting mode of it , brings out the direction of its promising development .

  28. 通过梯度向量扩散与梯度流跟踪,细胞图像被分割成很多个仅包含一个细胞和周围背景的小区域;然后使用自适应阈值法成功地从每一个小区域的背景中提取独立的细胞。

    After gradient vector diffusion and gradient flow tracking , the cell image is separated into some small regions , each region containing one cell and its background . Local adaptive thresholding is performed for each small region , the single cell can be extracted from the background .