
  • 网络Background Interference;contextual interference
  1. 用自适应滤波校正ICP-AES中的光谱背景干扰

    A New Way to Correct Background Interference in ICP-AES With Adaptive Filtering

  2. 此外,对比了单引物RCA和双引物RCA的扩增效率和背景干扰程度。

    In addition , we compared amplification efficiency and background interference between the single-primer RCA and double-primer RCA .

  3. 根据目标、背景干扰和噪声在红外序列图像中的差异,提出了一种基于空间高通滤波和时间域上N帧轨迹积累的运动小目标检测方法。

    According to the imaging difference of target , background clutter and noise , a moving small target detection method based on spacial high-pass filtering and N-frame track accumulating is presented .

  4. 基于Kalman滤波法的Madaline网络算法及其在部分未知背景干扰样品分析中的初步应用

    Development of Madaline with Kalman Filter and its Application in Unknown Background Mixture

  5. 由于X射线谱线的背景干扰和曲率变化,使得电子探针定量分析会产生误差,且元素质量分数越低误差越显著。

    Due to the existence of interference and nonlinear background in X-ray spectrum , there are errors in the results of quantitative analysis on electron probe , especially for the lower element content .

  6. 考察了基体元素Mn的光谱干扰,采用干扰系数校正法扣除背景干扰。系数的数值结果,又能求出其代数表达式。

    The effect of spectrum interference for coexistent element Mn on the determinated elements has been investigated , and the background interference has been deducted by correcting interference coefficients .

  7. 运用ICP-AES谱线轮廓图功能,消除常量元素产生的基体背景干扰。

    The base line background noise interference caused by the main elements ' emission lines was eliminated by using the profile function of the ICP-AES .

  8. 将小波变换技术应用到Raman汽油辛烷值测定仪的数据预处理中,减弱荧光背景干扰和高频噪声,提高光谱数据的信噪比。

    In order to reduce the fluorescence and improve the signal-noise ratio of Raman spectra in gasoline , wavelet transform is used in the spectra pre-processing for gasoline octane number analyzer .

  9. 基于SPR技术的传感器具有免标记、实时检测、灵敏度高、非破坏性、样品不需要纯化和抗背景干扰等优点。

    According to The SPR sensor has the much advantage of label-free detection , real-time monitoring , high-sensitivity , non-destructive , non-purified , and without background interference .

  10. 为了消除干扰蛋白质成份的非特异性吸附,可用牛血清白蛋白(BSA)修饰压电传感器表面,并在分析介质中引入高浓度BSA以降低背景干扰。

    To alleviate non-specific adsorption of serum proteins , modifying the quartz crystal surface with a bovine serum albumin ( BSA ) layer and introducing an appropriate amount of BSA in the assay medium .

  11. 为扣除开放光路法红外光谱中的背景干扰,发挥开放光路法的优势,提出了针对多组分气体体系的小波变换(WT)和人工神经网络(ANN)相结合的红外光谱定量方法。

    The background disturbances in the spectra measured using the open path sampling method can be minimized with a new method combining wavelet transforms ( WT ) and Artificial Neural Networks ( ANN ) for the quantitative analysis of multi component gas systems .

  12. 在外层窗口中利用OSP算子消除内窗口和中层窗口的背景干扰,有效的去除了白噪声。

    The outer window removes the white noise which comes from the middle window and the inner window and diminishes the influence of background interference by the use of OSP algorithm .

  13. 当蝙蝠-目标间距小于80cm时,目标回声的强度总是大于背景干扰声。

    During the test , the amplitude of the target echo was always larger than that of the background noise at a bat-to-target distance up to 80 cm .

  14. 讨论了ICPAES同时测定明胶中微量金属元素Hg和Rh时,应用MSF模型校正对汞的光谱干扰和背景干扰,改善了检测结果的精密度和检测限。

    Multiple trace elements in gelatin could be quantitatively determined by ICP-AES at the same time . Applying the MSF model , the method to correct the spectral interference and the background was discussed . The result 's precision and detection limit could be greatly improved by MSF model .

  15. 首先利用Prewitt算子对增强的图像进行垂直边缘检测,然后利用线过滤算法处理掉大部分的背景干扰线,最后结合先验信息和行扫描定位出标尺区域。

    We make use of edge detection combining line filter algorithm to locat staff guage . Firstly the enhanced images are carried on vertical edge detection by Prewitt operator , then the most background interference lines are removed by linear filtering algorithm .

  16. 将面粉与三乙醇胺、水混溶后,在沸水浴中加热3min制成悬浮溶液直接进样测定,以钯作基体改进剂,使灰化温度提高至1200℃,将背景干扰降至仪器能扣除的水平。

    Mingling flouts , triethanolamine and water , and heating on water bath for 3 minutes , then slurry samples were introduced to graphite furnace . A matrix modifier Pd was applied to raise the charring temperature to 1200 ℃ .

  17. 指印拍照中消除背景干扰的方法探析

    Study on the ways of remove background disturbance in fingerprint photograph

  18. 知觉运动学习中的背景干扰效应和元认知监测

    The contextual interference effect and the metacognition monitoring in perceptual-motor learning

  19. 光谱比值技术在未知背景干扰样品分析中的应用

    Development of Spectra Ratio and its Application in Unknown Background Mixture

  20. 武装直升机载空空导弹红外导引头抗背景干扰技术研究

    The Anti-background Interference Technique for Air-To-Air IR Missile in Armed Helicopter

  21. 光谱干扰包括背景干扰与光谱重叠干扰。

    Spectral interferences include background interference and spectral overlapping interference .

  22. 卫星移动通信系统中星际链路背景干扰分析模型

    Analytic Model of Cross Links Background Noise for Mobile Satellite Communication System

  23. 通过人脸跟踪结果表明,该方法对背景干扰具有很强的鲁棒性。

    Moreover , the method is of strong robusticity on background disturbance .

  24. 基于视频图像的火焰识别和背景干扰滤除算法

    The Flame Recognition and Background Disturbance Filtering Algorithm Based on Video Images

  25. 痕迹物证影像的背景干扰的排除方法

    Elimination of Interference from the Background of a Trace Evidence Object Image

  26. 葱蒜类蔬菜多残留测定高背景干扰问题的研究

    Problem of High Level Background Interference on Multiresidue Determination of Alliaceous Vegetables

  27. 特高压输电工程生态环境背景干扰测试

    Discussions on Special High-voltage Transmission Projects Interference Testing to the Ecological Environment

  28. 高斯背景干扰下瞬态信号检测

    Instantaneous Signal Detection from the Background of Gaussian Interference

  29. 一种滤除电泳胶图像中混合背景干扰的数字减影方法

    A method of digital subtraction to eliminate the ultraviolet obstruction in the gel image

  30. 一种对背景干扰及遮挡鲁棒的视频目标跟踪算法

    Visual Tracking Algorithm Robust to Distractor and Occlusion