
bèi jǐng yīn yuè
  • Background Music;muzak;piped music
  1. 背景音乐是由一位手风琴乐手演奏的。

    The background music was provided by an accordion player .

  2. 乔·洛斯先是于20世纪20年代为无声电影弹奏钢琴背景音乐。

    Joe Loss started off playing piano background music for silent films in the 1920s .

  3. 这个不同寻常的新潮流让大多数的用户玩儿得很开心,他们将文尼·韦斯特的《TooPlayer》设置为“风车舞”视频的背景音乐。

    In the caption . " Most of the poster are having fun with the unusual new trend , setting " Too Player " by Vinny West as the soundtrack to their windmill .

  4. 例句城里新开的那家餐馆的背景音乐放得声音很大。

    The new restaurant in town plays elevator music really loudly .

  5. 听起来就像公共场所里播放的背景音乐!

    It sounds like elevator music !

  6. 我过去以为我很讨厌公共场所的背景音乐,但实际上我还挺喜欢这类音乐。

    I used2 to think I hated3 elevator music , but in fact4 I quite like it .

  7. VISUALFOXPRO程序中背景音乐的实现方法探讨

    Visual FoxPro Process of the Realization of the Background Music Method

  8. 背景音乐放的是用中国乐器演奏的《冰雪奇缘》(Frozen)的主题曲《随它吧》(LetItGo)。

    A Chinese instrumental version of " Let It Go " from " Frozen " played on the sound system .

  9. 戴耳机听音乐组疼痛评分较听背景音乐组低,但差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);

    Pain degree of the headphone group was lower than that of the background music group with no significant difference ( P > 0.05 ) .

  10. 较详细地讨论了VB编程中常用背景音乐实现的技术。

    It describes in detail technique of realizing background music in VB programming .

  11. 浅谈VB编程中背景音乐实现的技术

    How to Realize Background Music in VB Programming

  12. 然后我把原来那张CD公放,把声音调低到刚刚好能成为背景音乐的那个点上。

    Then I turned the same CD on , turning it down to the point where it was background noise .

  13. 用Authorware开发多媒体课件时背景音乐的播放设计

    Broadcast and Design of Background Music in Exploitation of Multimedia CAI Software with Authorware

  14. 你可以从不同的颜色主题当中进行选择并且可以随意地选择一个MP3文件作为背景音乐。

    You can choose from different color schemes and optionally select a MP3file as background music .

  15. 在《IntheLonelyHour》中,他的声音总能从背景音乐中脱颖而出,直接打动听者。

    On In the Lonely Hour , Smith 's vocals are mostly out in front of the background music , which has a direct impact on listeners .

  16. DVD相片相册在电视上与背景音乐和戏相片相册用图画或相片做数字相片相册。

    DVD Photo Album makes digital photo album from picture or photo with background music and play photo album on TV .

  17. 拥有冷暖空调、消防烟感、背景音乐、有线电视、宽带上网、VOD点播系统。

    It is equipped with air-conditioners , fire control system , background music , TV receiving , broadband internet and VOD system .

  18. 预告的背景音乐是一首非常现代化的歌曲,来自威尔士另类摇滚乐队TheJoyFormidable今年早些时候发布的新歌《WolfsLaw》。

    The trailer is set to a very modern song Wolfs Law by Welsh alternative rock band The Joy Formidable , released earlier this year .

  19. 可以在显示图片的同时播放背景音乐,还可以通过带蓝牙的手机向本数码相框传输图片,由USB蓝牙适配器接收图片。

    You can display pictures with background music . You can also send a picture to this digital photo frame which has a USB Bluetooth Adapter through a mobile phone with Bluetooth .

  20. 本文以共享窗口电影的方式来对Director背景音乐进行播放,通过设置全局变量的lingo脚本来对背景音乐进行控制。

    This article played background music of Director by the shared window movie , and controlled the background music with establishing the overall situation variable in the lingo script .

  21. 我们近年最成功的投资是对PumpAudio公司的投资,该公司更具吸引力的用户体验和网络分销方式彻底打乱了音乐发行和版权业务(原声音乐和背景音乐业务)。

    Our biggest investment success of recent years was an investment in pump audio , a business whose better mousetrap user experience and Internet distribution disrupted the music publishing and licensing business ( the soundtrack and background music business ) .

  22. 最好的例子也许要数圣•约翰餐厅(St.John)了——没有所谓的“艺术”去分散用餐者的注意力,也没有背景音乐,员工穿的是厨师的白色工作服而非传统服务员所穿的那种刻板工装。

    Probably the best example is St. John - no " art " to distract , no background music and staff in something more like chef whites than the starched outfits of traditional waiters .

  23. 歌曲不可能为KBS的任何品种节目使用,当前是SBS的世界杯竞选页的背景音乐。

    The song can not be used for any variety programs on KBS , which is currently the background music for SBS 's World Cup campaign page .

  24. 这种内容在YouTube和其他视频网站上迅速风靡,自成一体。一些人还会把其中某个视频剪辑一下,加入新的背景音乐,混搭出不同的风格。

    The clips are quickly becoming a genre of their own on YouTube and other sites , with some users taking one clip and remixing it with fresh backing music .

  25. 广告的背景音乐是OhByJingo,目的也非常简单:专注于足球,而不是食物。

    With Oh By Jingo playing in the background , the aims of the ad are simple , too : keep the focus on the football , not the food .

  26. 电子杂志是迄今为止最大程度上整合多种媒介功能的媒介工具,它利用多媒体技术,集动画、视频短片和背景音乐、声音甚至3D特效等各种效果于一体,内容丰富生动。

    E-magazine is so far the largest extent and the functional integration of a variety of media tools . It uses multimedia technology , set Flash animation , video clips , background music , sound effects or even 3-D effects such as integrated , rich content lively .

  27. 广告的背景音乐是“OhByJingo”,目的也非常简单:专注于足球,而不是食物。

    With " Oh By Jingo " playing in the background , the aims of the ad are simple , too : keep the focus on the football , not the food .

  28. 难以理解的是,餐馆的背景音乐是史密斯飞船乐队(Aerosmith)的。

    The soundtrack tends , mysteriously , to Aerosmith .

  29. 数码杂志随着计算机技术应运而生,它利用多媒体技术,集Flash动画、视频短片和背景音乐、声音甚至3D特效等各种效果于一体,内容丰富生动。

    With the advanced computer technology , the digital magazine was born . By the means of multimedia technology , it is a blend of all effects & flash , video , background music and sound , even 3D effects . Therefore , its content is very vivid .

  30. 打开行动正派动物和爱,因为笑声比背景音乐是少许更多,因为BOH风扇填装了地板。

    Opening acts A Decent Animal and Love as Laughter were little more than background music as fans of BOH filled the floor .