
  • 网络GEO;GTO;geostationary orbit;geosynchronous orbit
  1. 新一代地球同步轨道气象卫星结构热变形分析

    Thermal Structure Distortion for Some New GEO Meteorological Satellite

  2. 同步轨道星机双基地三通道SAR地面运动目标指示算法

    An Algorithm of GEO Spaceborne-Airborne Bistatic Three-Channel SAR Ground Moving Target Indication

  3. 地球同步轨道寄生SAR系统的若干关键技术研究

    Research of Key Technologies in Geosynchronous Parasitic SAR System

  4. 一种同步轨道星机双基SAR成像方法

    An Imaging Method of GEO Spaceborne-Airborne Bistatic SAR

  5. 探讨了同步轨道SAR多普勒中心频率和调频率的特征。

    The properties of Doppler centroid frequency and Doppler frequency rate of GEO SAR is discussed in detail .

  6. 基于上述公式,分析了地球同步轨道SAR多普勒中心频率与低轨SAR的联系;

    Based on these formulas , the relation of Doppler centroid frequency between GEO SAR and LEO SAR is analyzed .

  7. 1998年4&5月地球同步轨道MeV电子通量增强事件

    MeV electron flux enhancement events at the geosynchronous orbit in april & may 1998

  8. 文章着眼于提高地球同步轨道(GEO)空间地磁亚暴带电效应模拟的真实度,对多能量电子模拟空间地磁亚暴带电的方法进行分析评估。

    This paper provides the assessments of multi-energy electron simulation method for GEO substorm charging effect study .

  9. 新一代大型静止轨道卫星(即地球同步轨道静止卫星)上采用GPS自主定姿定轨技术能使卫星定姿定轨技术上一个新台阶。

    The application of GPS based autonomous attitude and orbit determination technique in the next generation of GEO satellites will bring the satellite attitude and orbit determination technique to a new level .

  10. 当AE指数降到200nT时,地球同步轨道2MeV电子的通量才停止增长。

    The 2 MeV electron flux at geostationary orbit will cease to increase when AE index decreased to 200 nT or lower value .

  11. 实现同步轨道(GEO)高分辨力对地观测的技术途径(下)格林威治天文台的高级职员每天把大钟校对两次。

    Realization of high-resolution visible earth observation on geostationary earth orbit Officials from Greenwich OBservatory have the clock checked twice a day .

  12. 当太阳风密度低且AE指数大于200nT时,地球同步轨道的电子强度会持续地增强。

    When solar wind density was low and AE index greater than 200 nT , the 2 MeV electron flux at geostationary orbit will increase sustained .

  13. 对中国卫星上大量应用的几种胶粘剂进行了地球同步轨道环境模拟试验,同时试验了添加纳米SiO2粉体后的影响。

    The simulations of geostationary orbit condition experiments to adhesive used on satellite , and the same experiments to adhesive adding nano-SiO 2 are experimented in this paper .

  14. 两级图像定向实验系统通过气浮台模拟卫星姿控和CCD相机图像相关跟踪两级控制回路在实验室模拟实现近轨太阳同步轨道卫星对地观测的高精度图像稳定。

    Two stage image directional control simulation system simulated the image stabilization of the artificial satellite spotting the earth through the air-floating platform simulating the satellite attitude and control system of the correlation tracker .

  15. 研究了星载SAR多普勒调频率随轨道高度的变化和地球自转对同步轨道SAR和低轨SAR调频率的影响;

    The change of spaceborne SAR Doppler frequency rate with the orbit altitude , as well as the influence of earth rotation on the Doppler frequency rate of LEO SAR and that of GEO SAR are studied .

  16. 中巴地球资源卫星一号(CBERS-1)是中国和巴西合作研制的第一颗运行在太阳同步轨道上的地球资源卫星。

    The CBERS - 1 is the first sun-synchronous orbit earth resource satellite cooperatively developed by China and Brazil .

  17. 研究了模拟地球同步轨道辐照环境对卫星用温控涂层-光学太阳反射镜(OSR)性能的影响。

    The influence of simulated space environment on the properties of the satellite temperature-control coating-Optical Solar Reflector ( OSR ) is discussed .

  18. 针对使用ATM技术的宽带通信卫星,该文提出了一种为地球同步轨道(GEO)采用ATM技术的宽带通信卫星设计,但并不仅限于GEO卫星应用的新型媒体接入控制(MAC)协议。

    This paper presents a novel media access control ( MAC ) protocol designed for , but not limited to , use in geostationary ( GEO ) broadband communication satellites using ATM technology with composite traffic load .

  19. 从地球重力势的观点看各种常用的绕地轨道,包括地球和太阳同步轨道及Molniya轨道。

    Geopotential representation is used to illustrate the common used Earth orbits , including Sun-synchronous orbits and Molniya orbits .

  20. 相关控制策略的正确性已在我国地球同步轨道卫星的在轨测控应用中得到了证实,可用于未来TDRS的工程测控和业务应用。

    The correctness of the control strategies were approved by the TT & C implementation of geostationary satellite in domestic , which showed that it would be applied to the TDRS in future .

  21. 以太阳同步轨道卫星为背景,对四种典型的直接能量传输方式(DET)的电源系统配置建立了能量传递图,推出了能量平衡方程。

    In terms of the sun synchronous orbit satellite , the energy transferring charts of four typical Direct Energy Transferring ( DET ) power systems are developed and the energy balance equations are derived .

  22. 该设计器能够实现太阳同步轨道等典型轨道的初始轨道设计任务,通过与卫星工具软件(STK)设计结果的比较,验证了设计器的正确性。

    The mission of preliminary orbit design for Sun Synchronous and other typical orbits can be achieved by the designer . Compared with the satellite tool kit ( STK ) software , the result of the designer was validated .

  23. 最后给出了一个轨道高度750~800km,卫星太阳同步轨道、冻结轨道和回归轨道的算例。

    At last , an example of design for sun-synchronous , frozen and return orbit in the orbit of some satellite which altitude was 750 to 800 km was given .

  24. 模拟地球同步轨道辐照环境对光学太阳反射镜性能的影响

    Influence of simulated space environment on performance of optical solar reflector

  25. 非同步轨道卫星通信系统的分析与设计

    Some Considerations on Analysis and Design of Non-GSO Satellite Communication Systems

  26. 太阳同步轨道卫星电源系统设计计算方法研究

    Research of Sun Synchronization Orbit Satellite Power System Design Computation Method

  27. 基于微波等离子推力器的地球同步轨道卫星任务优化计算

    Mission Numerical Optimization for Geosynchronous Satellite Using Microwave Plasma Thruster

  28. 给出了太阳同步轨道卫星电源系统的两种基本结构框架;

    First two basic architectures of SSO satellite power system are introduced .

  29. 太阳同步轨道卫星的太阳帆板驱动律

    Study on Driving Laws of Sun Synchronous Orbit Satellite 's Solar Arrays

  30. 地球同步轨道卫星表面电位探测一类方法初探

    The purpose for method of GEO satellite surface charging monitoring