
  • 网络Dong Nai;Dong Nai province;ng Nai Province
  1. 同奈省南部地区的失业率极高,不过目前该地区正面临着“用工荒”的问题,尤其是在鞋类及纺织服装行业。

    The southern province of Dong Nai is experiencing dearth of workers , particularly in footwear and textile-garment industry even though the region has a high unemployment ratio .

  2. 台湾经济部称,同奈省政府还要求保险公司尽快向受损公司支付承保金额最多15%的理赔金,总计约200万美元,目的是向一些公司提供急需的现金恢复运营。

    Dong Nai 's government has also asked insurers to quickly pay those companies up to 15 % of their insured amount , which is around $ 2 million in total , to provide sorely needed cash some need to restart operations , the Taiwan ministry said .