
  1. 具体来说,本文选取清华同方股份有限公司作为实证研究的对象,运用韦斯顿衍生模型对其进行了实证分析,实证结果与预期基本相符。

    , LTD by the model deriving from Weston . The empirical result proved well .

  2. 方法:利用清华大学同方光盘股份有限公司研制开发的中国医院知识仓库期刊全文数据库中的数据,用定量分析的方法,对《中国矫形外科杂志》被引情况进行统计、分析和研究。

    Methods : Statistical analysis and study of the citation of the Orthopedic Journal of China were made using quantitative approach on the basis of the data from China hospital knowledge databases ( CHKD ) developed by Qinghua Tongfang CD-ROM Co. , Ltb .

  3. 同方智能卡公司以同方股份有限公司和清华大学为后盾,利用强大的人才、技术和资金等资源优势,为客户提供一流的服务。

    With strong support from THTF and Tsinghua University , Tongfang Smart Card Company utilizes its talents , technology and fund to provide top ranking service for its customers .