
diàn shì pín dào
  • television channels
电视频道 [diàn shì pín dào]
  • [television frequency range] 每个电视广播通道所使用的频率范围及其序号

  1. 现在有四个电视频道。

    There are at present four television channels .

  2. 巨蟒剧团于1969年首次在BBC登台演出,1974年登陆美国公共电视频道。

    Debuting on the BBC in 1969 , " Python " landed on American public television channels in 1974 .

  3. 我们可以接收多达500个有线电视频道。

    We can receive up to 500 cable channels .

  4. 开播于1991年的付费电视频道premiere实况转播两大顶级足球联赛的赛事。

    Premiere , a subscription channel which began in 1991 , shows live football covering the top two divisions

  5. 英国广播公司对外电视频道的新闻节目播放了同样的电影剪辑片段。

    The BBC World Service Television news showed the same film clip

  6. 第一集将于明晚10点40分在独立电视频道播出。

    The first episode will be shown tomorrow at 10.40pm on ITV .

  7. 将会有重大举措鼓励各电视频道维持高标准。

    There will be a major incentive among TV channels to keep standards up

  8. 新的数字技术将会使电视频道的数量迅速增加。

    The new digital technology would allow a rapid expansion in the number of TV channels .

  9. 该公司已在比利时、西班牙和德国设立了合资付费电视频道。

    The company has set up joint-venture pay-TV channels in Belgium , Spain , and Germany .

  10. 根据新提案,星空传媒运营的所有英语电视频道将由福克斯国际频道(foxinternationalchannels)管理。

    Under the new proposals , all the English language channels run by star will be managed by Fox International channels .

  11. 这个公司并没有一个独立的电视频道可以提供给Vice,而这正是史密斯最想要的。

    The company does not have a logical single channel to give Vice , which is what Mr. Smith most wants .

  12. 这些变化是福克斯循序渐进接班计划的一部分。该公司旗下资产包括福克斯新闻(FOXNEWS)、福克斯电视频道和好莱坞电影制片厂。

    The changes are part of a gradual succession plan at Fox , whose assets include Fox News , the Fox broadcast network and the Hollywood film studio .

  13. 杰克逊还打破了MTV(著名音乐电视频道)的种族隔阂。

    Jackson broke MTV ` s color barrier .

  14. 我开始在华尔街工作时,那时还没有互联网、CNBC电视频道或是Lotus电子表格。

    When I started on Wall Street , there was no Internet , no CNBC and Lotus spreadsheets .

  15. 娱乐时间(Showtime)等付费有线电视频道、以及播放《广告狂人》(MadMen)的AMC等免费有线电视频道,也在追随HBO的脚步。

    Subscription channels including Showtime and free ones such as AMC , which broadcast Mad Men , followed its lead .

  16. 本文就全频道CATV系统中如何选择相容的闭路电视频道进行了探讨,并介绍了如何用袖珍计算机进行辅助设计问题。

    This article discusses the selection of compatible closed circuit television channels in all channel CATV system and explains how to use pocket computer to aid the design .

  17. 上个月,谷歌(Google)宣布推出超高速宽带服务GoogleFiber,月付70美元就能享用高达1G的网速,再付50美元就能观赏一系列高清电视频道。

    Last month , Google announced its Google fiber initiative promising 1 Gigabit of Internet speed for $ 70 a month and throwing in dozens of high-definition television channels for another $ 50 a month .

  18. YouTubeTV将提供包括ABC、CBS、福克斯、NBC及迪士尼旗下ESPN在内的超过40个网络电视频道。

    The live TV service will carry more than 40 channels , including some of the country 's biggest networks including ABC , CBS , Fox , NBC and ESPN .

  19. 3月15日,twc推出了一款相当火爆的ipad小应用,可让其用户在平板电脑上观看自己订购的某些电视频道。

    On March 15th TWC launched a feisty little iPad application that lets its customers watch some of the television channels they subscribe to on their tablet computers .

  20. 几小时后,微软(Microsoft)便上演了一个胜人一筹的经典案例。比尔•盖茨(BillGates)在发表主题演讲时宣布,微软将于年底前在互联网上提供大量电视频道。

    In a classic case of one-upmanship , Microsoft announced a few hours later , at Bill Gates ' keynote speech , that it would serve up a multiplicity of TV channels over the internet before the end of the year .

  21. 在土耳其,FameLab在6个不同的电视频道上播出。

    In Turkey , FameLab was broadcast on six different TV channels .

  22. 我只选择那些能在互联网上(YouTube)、在电视频道上【CNBC、CNN、彭博(Bloomberg)】上能找到演讲的高管,上市公司的领导者都应该出现在这些地方。

    I chose only executives who can be found online , on youtube , CNBC , CNN , Bloomberg , etc. & places where leaders of public companies should be .

  23. CIS战略成功导入电视频道整体包装中,对于媒体市场来讲不仅仅有战略意义,更重要的是有非常强的实际意义。

    CIS strategy for the success of television channels into the overall package , not just for the media market in terms of strategic significance , more importantly , there is a very strong practical significance .

  24. 这是一个耐人寻味的问题,而且现在变得愈发相关,因为最近美国有线电视频道HBO发布了一部有关埃夫龙的纪录片,该片由她的儿子雅可布•伯恩斯坦(JacobBernstein)制作。

    It is an intriguing question , and one that is doubly pertinent now since , this weekend , HBO is releasing a documentary about Ephron , made by her son , Jacob Bernstein .

  25. nptel最初希望在印度的政府电视频道播放讲座。

    The nptel originally wanted to broadcast lectures on Indian government television channels .

  26. 据国家广电总局说,3D电视频道每晚首播4.5小时,每天重播两次,共播出13.5小时。

    China 's new 3D channel will initially have just four-and-a-half hours of new content each evening , which will be repeated twice during the following day before that day 's new content appears , for a total of 13.5 hours of programming a day , according to Sarft .

  27. 他们有成千上万的员工,其中包括研究分析师和基金经理人&其中许多人经常在CNN和CNBC电视频道的股票市场最新动态评论节目中露面。

    They have thousands of employees , including research analysts and money managers-many of whom can be spotted on CNN and CNBC commenting on the latest happenings in the stock market .

  28. 视频会议、内容分发、互动媒体等组播应用对QoS有严格要求,光网络组播可以保证QoS,因此适用于电视频道传送,电视频道传送是自动交换光网的一个重要增值应用。

    Multi-cast applications such as video conference , content distribution and interactive multi-media have stringent QoS requirements , and since optical multi-cast can ensure QoS , it is suitable for television channel transport . Television channel transport is an important profitable application of ASON .

  29. 但随着数字下载兴起、DVD衰落、电视频道激增,加上对流行内容的迫切需要,意味着好莱坞想制作一出成功的节目,需要比以往更多的大牌明星。

    But the rise of digital downloads , the decline of DVDs , the proliferation of TV channels and the desperate need for popular content mean Hollywood needs big names more than ever to make a show a success .

  30. 这一决定让彼得•巴菲特最终碰到了好运气&一次偶然的机会让他遇到了一位在新成立的有线电视频道MTV电视台工作的漫画家。

    The decision put Peter Buffett in position to get his lucky break & a chance encounter that led to a meeting with an animator who worked with a fledgling cable channel called MTV .