
zào shén
  • kitchen god
灶神 [zào shén]
  • [kitchen god] 迷信的人在锅灶边供奉的认为能掌管一家祸福的神

灶神[zào shén]
  1. 莱斯特其实就有点像是灶神。

    Actually , Lester is kind of like the kitchen god .

  2. 在这一天,人们会祭拜灶神。

    At this time , people offer sacrifice to the kitchen god .

  3. “黎明号”将花一年时间绕灶神星运行,然后前往矮行星谷神星(Ceres)。

    Dawn will spend one year orbiting Vesta , then travel to the dwarf planet Ceres .

  4. 在环绕灶神星的轨道运行一年后,“黎明”号将飞向矮行星谷神星(Ceres)。

    After a year in orbit around Vesta , Dawn will travel on to the dwarf planet Ceres .

  5. 《灶神之妻》与东西方文化的融合

    The Kitchen God 's Wife and Integration between East and West Culture

  6. 这可以让灶神说你的好话!

    That will make the kitchen god say sweet things about you !

  7. 谭恩美《灶神之妻》中的女性叙事特征探究

    Characteristics of Feminist Narratology in Amy Tan 's The Kitchen God 's Wife

  8. 黎明号进行入灶神星轨道。

    Dawn Spacecraft Enters Orbit Around Asteroid Vesta .

  9. 我是全世界仅有的六名灶神修女之一。

    I am a vestal virgin , one of only six in all the world .

  10. 灶神的祭祀方式也随着历史的发展而演变。

    The sacrifice rite of the Kitchen God evolved along with the development of history .

  11. 还有灶神赫斯提亚,代表居家生活和家庭幸福。

    Hestia , the goddess of the hearth , represented home life and family happiness .

  12. 黎明号逼近灶神星。

    Dawn Closing in on Asteroid Vesta .

  13. 边缘文化与文化多元化&解读《灶神之妻》

    " Marginalized " Culture in Relation to Multi-Cultures & On Reading the Kitchen God s Wife ;

  14. 希望灶神不会跟莱斯特一样,净跟大家数落我的不是!灶神。

    I hope the kitchen god isn 't like Lester -- he blabs my mistakes to everybody !

  15. 因此,在灶神汇报前的祭灶仪式对于民间百姓便具有重大的利害关系。

    Therefore , it was significant for Chinese to offer sacrifices to Kitchen God like other major worship activities .

  16. ::其实有个方法可以让灶神不说出你的过失。

    Actually , there 's a way to keep the kitchen god from telling the bad things you did .

  17. 灶神星所有行星中最亮的一颗,是第四个被发现的星他们的雇员中还有退役的四星将军。

    The brightest of all the asteroids and the fourth to be discovered . Their ranks include former four-star generals .

  18. 到了农历年前,灶神就去跟他老板报告你这一年的表现是好是坏。

    Before the Chinese New Year , the kitchen god tells his boss whether you were good or bad this year .

  19. 《灶神之妻》是美籍华裔作家谭恩美的第二部长篇小说。

    The Kitchen God 's Wife is the second long novel of Amy Tan , an American writer of Chinese origin .

  20. 有的用酒糟涂抹灶门,这叫“醉司令”,醉得灶神不能乱说话。

    Some wine coated doors of kitchen god , is called " drunk commander " drunk Kitchen God does not talk nonsense .

  21. 在那一天,人们会向灶神供奉自做的糖果,年糕,红枣和核桃。

    On that day , families worship the Kitchen God with offerings of home-made candies , rice cakes , dates and walnuts .

  22. 按照传统,干净的房子是为了迎接灶神,他每年会从天界下凡进行年检。

    Traditionally , a clean house is meant to appease the Kitchen God , who will descend from heaven for his annual inspection .

  23. 许多中国人会在这时祭祀财神(门神,灶神)。

    Lots of Chinese offer sacrifice to the god of wealth ( the god of gate , kitchen god ) during Spring Festival .

  24. 本文首先从灶神信仰的历史发展角度论述了灶神的来历。

    First of all , this article dissertates the derivation of Kitchen God by focusing on the historical development of the Kitchen God Belief .

  25. 人们认为,倘若没有木星引力的阻挡,灶神星这样的大型天体本会被兼并为行星。

    It 's thought that larger chunks such as Vesta could have merged into planets had they not been foiled by Jupiter 's gravity .

  26. 这一主题在谭恩美的第二本小说《灶神之妻》(1991)中得到进一步的发挥。

    The theme of mother-daughter relationship has been further developed in Amy Tan 's second novel , The Kitchen God 's Wife ( 1991 ) .

  27. (罗马神话)信仰罗马女灶神并且在维持她的神殿中圣火不灭的女祭司。

    ( Roman mythology ) one of the virgin priestesses consecrated to the Roman goddess Vesta and to maintaining the sacred fire in her temple .

  28. 据国家航空航天局介绍,灶神星和谷神星因它们截然不同的性质而被选为这一飞行任务的研究对象。

    Vesta and Ceres were chosen as the study subjects for this mission , according to NASA documents , because of their very different natures .

  29. 这是你们的家庭教师玛丽亚小姐,还有灶神赫斯提亚,代表居家生活和家庭幸福。

    Now , this is your new governess , Fraulein Maria . Hestia , the goddess of the hearth , represented home life and family happiness .

  30. 灶神是中国民间信仰中颇具普遍性和典型性的神灵。

    Comparing Kitchen God Worship between Ethnical Chinese and Ethnical Vietnamese The Kitchen God is a deity of Chinese folk belief with its universality and representativeness .