
zào tái
  • cooking bench;the top of a kitchen range
灶台 [zào tái]
  • [the top of a kitchen range] 灶上面放东西的平面部分

灶台[zào tái]
  1. 我觉得就像拴在了灶台上一样。

    I felt chained to the kitchen sink .

  2. 我没时间老围着灶台转。

    I haven 't got time to spend hours slaving over a hot stove .

  3. 人们大都不愿意老围着灶台转。

    Most people don 't want to spend hours slaving over a hot stove .

  4. 许多妇女感到被灶台束缚住了。

    Many women feel chained to the kitchen sink .

  5. 事实上,那是一个土豆饼,且它是掉落在灶台上,而不是地上。

    In fact it was a potato pancake , and it fell on the stovetop , not on the floor .

  6. 看到那个灶台是怎样的吗她专门设计的

    See how the counters are raised ? She had them made special .

  7. 厨房外挑窗式灶台设计

    Design of outside window type cooking stove in kitchen

  8. 这小鼠辈要躲回灶台下了。

    Now he 's gonna run under the stove .

  9. 灶台用瓷砖构造成玻璃状增机了额外的力量。

    The ceramic tiles in the food preparation areas have also been vitrified for extra strength .

  10. 直接画在灶台上啊?

    Painting directly on kitchen walls ?

  11. bar:木条chain:用铁链锁住counter:柜台把我的窗户用木条钉起来,还是把我栓在灶台上?

    Are you gonna put bars on my window or chain me to the kitchen counter ?

  12. 通天的白色鞋柜和大肚子灶台都是自得之作。

    " Exceeding lofty or great " white shoe ark and abdominous hearth are complacent make .

  13. 那个小女孩穿得严严实实,坐在她爸爸的膝盖上,靠近炉灶台的一边。

    The child was fully dressed and sitting on her father 's lap near the kitchen table .

  14. 从灶台直径的大小表明该作坊已具有相当的生产规模。

    The diameter size of hearth suggested that the workshop was in possession of comparatively large production scale .

  15. 后来房东不仅对灶台的清洁程度不满意,还扣了我清洁地毯的费用。

    The landlady was still unsatisfied with the stove and asked me to pay for the carpet to be cleaned .

  16. 一卧室(双人床)、灶台及洗手间,小区环境清净幽雅,靠近白城沙滩,是考研学生的最佳选择;

    One bedroom and washroom located in a silent and clean community near beach , perfect choice for postgraduate exam preparation .

  17. 家里没有柴火,灶台前面摆放的是半捆稻草。

    There was no firewood at home but there was half a bale of rice straw in front of the hearth .

  18. 一种餐车灶台,布置在餐车提供的有限空间内,包括:一柜体;

    The utility model relates to a hearth of a dinning car , arranged in a limited space provided in the dinning car .

  19. 我们要装修得很漂亮,地板铺上白色瓷砖。灶台上也铺上,还缺个屋顶呢。

    We 're gonna make it really beautiful with white floors and tiles ... on the countertops and there 's gonna be a roof .

  20. 想要去除其中的毒素只需把芸豆浸泡,沥干,然后在灶台上把它们煮熟即可。

    To destroy the lectins in kidney beans , you just need to soak , drain , and then cook them on the stovetop .

  21. 当然,找起来也不难,灶台上没有,原来杯子位于搁在水池上的洗衣板上。

    He could not find the glass on the kitchen table , but he found it on the washboard which lay on the wash tank .

  22. 而遗留在那里烹煮过的动物遗骸及小型灶台表明极少数强壮勇敢之人能够在这样恶劣的环境中存活,或者说至少是暂时定居。

    Remains of cooked animals and small-scale hearths show that a few hardy souls did give the harsh region a go , at least temporarily .

  23. 立方体小屋的一面设有厨房,里面设备齐全:水槽、烤箱、灶台、洗碗机、冰箱和橱柜。

    One side of the cube features a fully equipped kitchen with built-in sink , oven , stove top , dishwasher , refrigerator and cupboard space .

  24. 她看见爸爸坐在灶台旁的长凳上;火光照亮了他的棕色头发和胡子、在蜜褐色小提琴上一闪一闪。

    She looked at Pa sitting on the bench by the hearth , the firelight gleaming on his brown hair and beard and glistening on the honey-brown fiddle .

  25. 无论热炕灶台的中国农村,还是层层密集的都市丛林,日常生活无一例外的单调重复。

    From Chinese rural area dotting of heatable brick beds to the metropolis cities full of cement forestry , no exception , daily lives are all monotony and repetition .

  26. 把芸豆在水中浸泡至少五个小时,沥干、冲洗,然后在灶台上煮起码30分钟,安全无毒的芸豆就大功告成啦!

    To prepare dry kidney beans safely , soak for at least five hours , drain and rinse , then boil for at least 30 minutes on the stove .

  27. 她决定做好饭菜等爸爸妈妈回来吃,却不小心将灶台上的煤油灯打翻,结果双手便被大火夺走了。

    She tried to prepare meals for her parents , only to overturn the kerosene light on the stove , resulting in a fire which took her hands away .

  28. 本实用新型优点是无污染、安全可靠、灭蝇率高,可放置在办公桌、灶台、餐桌等各种场合。

    The utility model has the advantages of no pollution , safety and high fly killing rate and can be put in various occasions like desks , stoves , dining tables , etc.

  29. 因离灶台较近,玻璃墙面免不了忽冷忽热,质量差的玻璃容易爆裂,尽可能选择质量上乘的。

    Due to close from the stove , the glass wall inevitable fits and starts , poor quality of the glass easier to burst , as far as possible selection of quality superior .

  30. 在书的最后几页,那姆痛打了两个人,挫败了一个追求者,用斧头砍了灶台,然后在母亲从后面扔石头砸过来的情势下,逃离了村庄。

    By the final pages of the book , Namu has beaten two people bloody , devastated a suitor , demolished a kitchen with an axe and fled her village with her mother flinging stones at her back .