
tàn cí
  • interjection;exclamation
叹词 [tàn cí]
  • [interjection;exclamation] 表示强烈感情以及应答、招呼的词,即感叹词

叹词[tàn cí]
  1. 通过具体的例子,可看出英语叹词汉译的特点。

    The features while translating English interjection into Chinese are summarized through examples .

  2. 汉日叹词特点的比较

    Comparing Research into Interjection in Chinese and Japanese

  3. 《柯林斯英语字典》对“meh”一词的解释是:可用作感叹词或形容词,表示感到无聊或没兴趣;或形容某事没意思或某人缺乏兴趣、冷淡。

    The dictionary entry for " meh " will say it can be used as an interjection to indicate indifference or boredom , as an adjective to describe something as boring or mediocre , or to show an individual is apathetic or unimpressed .

  4. 叹词在口语中是相当活跃的词类。

    Interjections are an active part of speech in the spoken language .

  5. 哇噻、嗯哼类新兴叹词的语用义位探析

    A Study of the Pragmatic Features of New Interjections - " wsha "," ah "

  6. 英语叹词的汉译

    On English-Chinese Translating of English Interjection

  7. 新兴叹词的语用特征

    The Pragmatic Features of New Interjections

  8. 叹词习得情况的调查与分析

    An Investigation of Acquisition of Interjections

  9. 同义呼应,即叹词所表示的情绪与语气词所表示的语气相同或大致相同。

    The same correspondence is that the emotional expression of interjection and modal particles are the same .

  10. 关于俄语成语性感叹词的探讨

    On Russian idiomatic exclamation

  11. 叹词是表示感叹、呼唤、应答的词。可以表示惊讶、赞美、埋怨、叹息等感情。

    A word which can express an exclamation , a call or a response is called an interjection .

  12. 不少汉语方言中都能找到一两个既有叹词的特征又有指示功能的词,本文称之为指示叹词,如粤方言的呢和嗱、吴方言的喏、长沙话的喋等?

    Many Chinese dialects have one or two words which are like interjections but are used with clear deictic functions .

  13. 在俄语中有很多成语性感叹词,长期以来它在俄语教学中未能受到应有的重视。

    There are many idiomatic exclamations in Russian , The idiomatic exclamations have been neglected in the Russian teaching for a long time .

  14. 我们得出的数据显示,位于句首、句中和句末的叹词在分布上呈依次递减的趋势。

    The data indicate that an interjection usually appears at the head of a sentence , sometimes in the middle and seldom at the end of a sentence .

  15. [j]、哇类叹词是一种特色鲜明、时尚、新潮、表达效果独特的新兴语法现象。

    Many new interjections , such as " yeah "," wahoo " are so distinctive and fashionable that they become a fresh grammatical phenomenon with strong effect in communication and expression .

  16. 微山方言语法的差异主要表现在副词、代词、介词、语气词、叹词、数词、量词等词类上,本文则按方言片分别介绍。

    The different features on grammar in Weishan dialect mainly reflect in adverbs , pronouns , prepositions , interjections , mood words and quantifiers , which are discussed area by area .

  17. 文章通过对三本通行《现代汉语》教材关于叹词、象声词的论述进行分析比较,认为叹词、象声词是实词。

    The paper compares and analyzes the interjections and onomatopoeic words in three " Modern Chinese Language " textbooks and concludes that these two classes of words both belong to content words .

  18. 共有十一节,对泰国勉语的名词、代词、数词、量词、动词、形容词、副词、介词、连词、助词、叹词等进行详细描写,突出介绍了各词类的语法特征和句法功能。

    This part focuses the word classes of Mien language in Thailand , including nouns , pronouns , verbs , adjectives , numerals , classifiers , adverbs , interjections , prepositions , conjunctions and particle .

  19. 小说中大部分拼音没有附加英文解释,这些词有称呼语、叹词、麻将用语,还有再次出现的语码。

    It is found that most of codes are not provided with English explanation in the novels , which are found to be appellations , interjections , mahjong terms and the codes which appear once again .