
  • 网络the compound sentence
  1. 并列句:系统应能显示车沿跑道绕行一圈花费的时间,且时间的格式应是hh:mm:ss。

    Compound sentence : The system shall be able to display the elapsed time for the car to make one circuit around the track , and the time format shall be hh : mm : ss .

  2. 英语中并列句与复合句的转换

    The transformation of compound sentences and complex sentences in English

  3. 我们进一步认为汉语并列句中有两种形式的动词短语省略:一是零宾语结构可以分析为动词短语省略,记作VP省略;另一种是由是或情态动词支持的vP省略。

    Then we further assume that Chinese has two forms of verb phrase ellipsis in coordinate sentences : one is VP ellipsis involving NOC , and the other is vP ellipsis which is supported by the linking verb shi ' be ' or a modal verb .

  4. 本文主要研究汉语并列句中的动词短语省略结构及与之相关的关系从句里的先行语删除结构(ACD)。给我动词短语句的多角度考察

    This thesis focuses on verb phrase ellipsis construction ( VP ellipsis ) in coordinate sentences and the relevant antecedent-contained deletion structure ( ACD ) in relative clauses in Chinese . Study on the Verbal Phrase " Give Me " from different Aspects

  5. 教并列句时可用:两个小女孩,一个穿着整洁,另一个很脏。

    This girl is clean but that girl is dirty .

  6. 燃料是一种物质,它在适当的温度下会燃烧。(并列句)

    A fuel is a material which will burn at reasonable temperature .

  7. 按照句子的内部结构进行分类时,可分为简单句、并列句、复合句和并列复合句。

    Structurally , they are simple sentences , compound sentences , complex sentences and compound-complex sentences .

  8. 其次在中英文这种语言中,并列句中的回指都表现出了相似的特征。

    Secondly , English and Chinese have the same features in the structure of the conjoined clauses .

  9. 一个并列句,如果包含一个或一个以上的复杂句作为并列成分,这便是并列复杂句。

    Two or more coordinated independent clauses with at least one complex clause make a compound-complex sentence .

  10. 角膜是眼睛的一部分,它帮助在视网膜上聚光产生物象。(定语从句转译为并列句)

    The cornea is a part of the eye that helps focus light to create an image on the retina .

  11. 懂得并列句与复合句的转换,有利于提高英语口语和书面语的表达能力。

    Understanding the transformation of compound sentences and complex sentences can help improve the ability in oral and written English expression .

  12. 第三,从提供的句法信息来看,两本词典使用的并列句和复杂句数量有限。

    Thirdly , seeing that syntactic information , the number of compound and complex sentences in examples is limited in both dictionaries .

  13. 这部分包括对比分析了句子成分、简单句、并列句、复合句和混合句。

    This part includes the contrastive analysis of simple sentence , compound sentence , complex sentence and compound-complex sentence in two languages .

  14. 为了给并列句和复合句写出合适的测试,你只能把其中的两条需求分开。

    To write adequate tests based on the compound or complex example , you would have to separate the two requirements within each one .

  15. 处于一个极端的是夏威夷和巴西,在那里,种族混合十分广泛,而且正在继续进行,因此,种族歧视较少。(并列句+状语从句)

    At one extreme are Hawii and Brazil , where racial intermixture is extensive and continuing , and where racial discrimination is relatively minor .

  16. 第八章是复杂结构,包括关系从句、述补结构、并列句与分离句、主从结构及被动式。

    Chapter eight is about complex construction , including relative clauses , predicate complement construction , coordination and separation sentence , subordinate constructions and passive sentence .

  17. 繁复句则是描述了作用效应链两个或者多个环节,可以分为复合句、并列句和混合句。

    Multiple sentences describe two or more links of the action - effect chain , and can be further divided into complex sentences , compound sentences and mixed sentences .

  18. 借助语料库语言学的研究方法,本文对口译语料中虚词、连接词、并列句以及复合句的使用进行定量研究。

    Applying the corpus methodology , the present thesis makes a quantitative and qualitative research on the use of the function words , connectives , compound sentences and complex sentences .

  19. 包括两个或多个并列句的句子,通常是由一个或几个连词连接,例如虽然问题非常难,但我最终还是找到了答案。

    A sentence of two or more coordinate independent clauses , often joined by a conjunction or conjunctions , as The problem was difficult , but I finally found the answer .

  20. 通过简单句、并列句和复合句等几个方面的典型例证,阐述了不同结构的英语省略句在翻译时的不同特点和规律。

    This paper presents different typical examples in simple sentences , compound sentences and complex sentences , through which certain features and rules of different kinds of elliptical sentences are demonstrated for the sake of accurate translation .

  21. 本文对英、俄语句子结构中的简单句句型、并列句和复合句句型及其连接手段进行了比较和分析,指出了这两种语言之间在结构上的异同点。

    In the paper a comparative analysis of the simple , compound and complex sentence structures as well as their connectives is made between the English and the Russian langauge , with their similarities and differences pointed out .

  22. 我们在本研究中对比的特殊否定句包括情态否定句、并列否定句和量词否定句。

    By special negative sentence , we mean those negative sentences including some items such as modal verbs , co-ordination and quantifiers .

  23. 本文论述了英语中并列复合句和主从复合句之间以及主从复合句之间的混合与交替问题,并给出了一些常用的翻译方法。

    The mixture and alternation between compound complex sentences and main-subordinate complex sentences and those between main-subordinate complex sentences are discussed in this article .

  24. 从句法上看,美方学生比中方学生更多地使用了复合句和并列复合句,但两国学生的信件都采用了以单、复句为主,并列句和并列复合句为辅的结构;

    Both Chinese and American Students predominantly apply simple and complex sentences in their writing only with compound and compound-complex sentences as subordinate structures .

  25. 从句子结构来看,英语句子可分为简单句、并列复合句和主从复合句。根据连词的使用,并列复合句一般都有比较固定的翻译方法。

    From the viewpoint of sentence structure , English sentences can be divided into simple sentences , compound complex sentences and main and subordinate complex sentences , for which there exist relatively fixed translating methods according to conjunctions .

  26. 本文以此为理论基础,对并列结构的句法语义进行了较为系统的动态研究。

    Base on the theory , the dynamic study on the syntax and semantic of coordinate structure is done systemically in the thesis .