
bìng qiě
  • also;in addition;and ... as well;besides;further more;and
并且 [bìng qiě]
  • (1) [and]∶表示两个动作同时或先后进行

  • 见到有人落水,他大喊救人并且跳入水中

  • (2) [further more;besides]∶用在复合句后一半里,表示更进一层的意思

  • 他学习用功,并且乐于助人

并且[bìng qiě]
  1. 这些村庄扩大了并且结合成了一个大集镇。

    The villages expanded and merged into one large town .

  2. 只喝瓶装水,并且要看封口开了没有。

    Only drink bottled water and check the seal isn 't broken .

  3. 他对失败表现得很洒脱,并且赞扬了对手的才能。

    He was magnanimous in defeat and praised his opponent 's skill .

  4. 二氧化硫是一种污染物,并且是形成酸雨的主要因素。

    Sulphur dioxide is a pollutant and a major contributor to acid rain .

  5. 所有的房间都已打扫干净并且通了风。

    The rooms had all been cleaned and aired .

  6. 整个体系都效率低下并且腐败堕落。

    The whole system is inefficient and corrupt .

  7. 我感到内疚,并且非常懊悔。

    I felt guilty and full of remorse .

  8. 她还年轻并且耽于空想。

    She 's still young and idealistic .

  9. 她步行回家时,他偷偷地接近然后下手袭击,并且抢劫了她。

    He stalked his victim as she walked home , before attacking and robbing her .

  10. 她有主见,并且敢于表达自己的观点。

    She has a mind of her own and isn 't afraid to say what she thinks .

  11. 这是第一个使用F字头词并且裸体上台的演出。

    It was the first show to use the F-word and show nudity on stage

  12. 我们的服装轻便、时尚,并且很适合度假时穿。

    Our clothes are lightweight , fashionable , practical for holidays .

  13. 士兵们横冲直撞,洗劫商店并且开枪射击。

    Soldiers went on a rampage , pillaging stores and shooting .

  14. 他认定演员们太做作,并且都神经兮兮的。

    Actors , he decided , were too precious and neurotic .

  15. 我喜欢这本书,并且在还书时也这样说了。

    I enjoyed the book and said so when I returned it

  16. 教师们很热情并且很有决心。

    The teachers are enthusiastic and have a sense of purpose .

  17. 我们相处得很好,并且她很漂亮。

    We got on very well and she was very nice-looking .

  18. 这名男子没有驾驶资格,并且违章超速行驶。

    This man was not qualified to drive and was speeding .

  19. 他很聪明,博览群书,并且对艺术很感兴趣。

    He was clever , well-read and interested in the arts .

  20. 学生扮演一些次要角色,并且参与合唱。

    Students played the lesser parts and sang in the chorus .

  21. 他接触到了政治并且迅速地对它着了迷。

    He had discovered politics and was rapidly becoming absorbed by it

  22. 失血过多会导致你疲劳并且贫血。

    Losing a lot of blood makes you tired and anaemic .

  23. 她又结婚了,并且渴望和新任丈夫生个小孩。

    She had remarried and desired a child with her new husband

  24. 吃素也可以吃得很可口,烹饪也容易,并且有益健康。

    Going veggie can be tasty , easy and healthy too .

  25. 他能轻而易举地管住听话并且崇拜自己的弟弟。

    He could easily manage his tractable and worshipping younger brother .

  26. 要确保这些瓷砖经过彻底灌浆并且密封好。

    Make sure that your tiles are thoroughly grouted and sealed .

  27. 有人或许已经猜到了我们的秘密并且将其散布开了。

    Someone might have guessed our secret and passed it on .

  28. 我记得她是个安静、勤奋并且谈吐优雅的女孩子。

    I remember her as a quiet , hard-working and well-spoken girl .

  29. 她的头还痛,并且觉得有些晕头转向。

    Her head still hurt , and she felt slightly dizzy and disoriented

  30. 士兵们征用首都的车辆,并且占领了电视台。

    The soldiers commandeered vehicles in the capital and occupied the television station