
  • 网络large-scale structure of the cosmos;large scale structure
  1. COBE以后宇宙大尺度结构的研究

    The Investigation on Large Scale Structure in the Universe after COBE

  2. 通过假定一个适当的边界条件,给出描述宇宙大尺度结构及局部球对称引力场的统一处理。

    An united approach of the large scale structure of a closed universe and local spherically symmetric gravitation field is given by supposing an appropriate boundary condition .

  3. 微波背景辐射与宇宙大尺度结构的形成

    Microwave Background Radiation and the Formation of Large-scale Structure of the Universe

  4. 星系形成与宇宙大尺度结构

    Formation of Galaxies and Large Scale Structures in the Universe

  5. 宇宙大尺度结构中的双成份分布

    Two-Component Distribution in the Large-Scale Structure of the Universe

  6. 宇宙大尺度结构的形成与星系形成密切相关。

    The formation of the large-scale structures in the universe is closely related to that of individual galaxies .

  7. 宇宙大尺度结构形成有两种模式,由小到大与由大到小。

    There are two modes for the evolution of the large-scale structures in the universe : small to large and large to small cosmogonies , which would be alternately , but progressively , adopted .

  8. 宇宙的大尺度结构

    The Large - scale Structure of the Universe

  9. 宇宙大尺度分形结构的上限

    On the Upper Cut - Off of the Large Scale Fractal Structure in the Universe

  10. 但是对于宇宙的大尺度结构,问题是它复杂得可怕。

    Well , the problem with the large-scale structure of the universe is that it 's horribly complicated .

  11. 为了获得宇宙的大尺度结构的信息,无论我们选择什么方向,我们所得到的答案对任何其它方向都是一样适用的。

    No matter what direction we choose in order to obtain information about the large-scale structure of the universe , we obtain the same answer as for any other direction .

  12. 宇宙中大尺度非线性结构

    Large scale nonlinear structures in the universe

  13. 因此,我们可以用类星体来探测早期宇宙和宇宙大尺度结构。

    So , we can use quasars probing the early Universe and large & scale structure of the universe .

  14. 近年来发现了一批Z>4的类星体,这些高红移类星体使人们对早期宇宙中的大尺度结构演化和星系形成的理论模型提出了新的观点。

    A number of quasars with redshift Z > 4 have been discovered in recent years , which provide important constraints to theoretical models for the large scale structure evolution of the universe and the formation of galaxies at early time .

  15. 同时对宇宙中物质大尺度结构探索中的新发现,例如宇宙长城、巨大吸引物、星系红移分布的周期性等,又对标准的宇宙学模型提出了严峻的挑战。

    On the other hand , recent discoveries of the gigantic structures in the universe , such as the Great Wall , the Great Attractor and the periodic distribution of redshift of galaxies , seriously challenge the standard view of cosmic model .