
  • 网络cosmologist
  1. 英国皇家天文学家、宇宙学家里斯勋爵(LordRees)第一次见到霍金是在1964年,那时两人都是剑桥大学的研究生。

    Lord Rees , astronomer royal and fellow cosmologist , first met Prof Hawking in 1964 when both were graduate students at Cambridge university .

  2. 去年,逾1000名科技领域的著名人物在一封公开信上签名,呼吁在全球范围禁止“杀手机器人”,其中包括宇宙学家史蒂芬•霍金(StephenHawking)和马斯克。

    Last year more than 1000 of the biggest names in science and technology - including cosmologist Stephen Hawking and Mr Musk - signed anopen letter calling for a global ban on " killer robots . "

  3. 许多宇宙学家持这种理论,认为我们现在的宇宙从空间的一个单点开始。

    Many cosmologists hold the theory that our present universe started at a single point in space .

  4. 而CMB研究最让人惊讶的结果是宇宙学家创造的模型,这个模型只有6个可变参数,但却解释了一切。

    The most jaw-dropping thing about the CMB results is that the cosmologists'model , which has only a half-dozen adjustable parameters , fits the data at all .

  5. SpaceX和特斯拉(Tesla)的共同创始人马斯克、著名演员摩根•弗里曼(MorganFreeman)以及宇宙学家史蒂芬•霍金都是FLI科学顾问委员会的委员。马斯克表示,他相信不受控制的人工智能“可能比核武器更危险”。

    Mr Musk , the co-founder of SpaceX and Tesla , who sits on the FLI 's scientific advisory board alongside actor Morgan Freeman and cosmologist Stephen Hawking , has said that he believes uncontrolled artificial intelligence is " potentially more dangerous than nukes . "

  6. 宇宙学家正在争论湍流导致星系诞生的可能性。

    Cosmologists are debating the possibility that turbulence causes galaxies to form .

  7. 同样的,宇宙学家理解为什么宇宙在膨胀。

    Similarly , cosmologists understand why the universe is expanding .

  8. 理论上,宇宙学家们提出了不同的暗能量模型。

    In theory , various dark energy models are proposed by cosmologists .

  9. 但是这位宇宙学家却在此提出了一次警告。

    But the cosmologist did mention one caveat .

  10. 他和布朗都宣称多世界的概念已经得到宇宙学家的支持。

    He and Brown both claim that many worlds is already gaining traction among cosmologists .

  11. 暗物质可能看来奇特,但是宇宙学家将其视为简单的要素。

    Dark matter may seem exotic , but cosmologists regard it as the essence of simplicity .

  12. 公元2000年以前,宇宙学家们就已经把宇宙成分的范围缩小了。

    Before the turn of the millennium , cosmologists had narrowed the list of cosmic ingredients .

  13. 宇宙学家以不同大小的球重复这项测量,就可以探讨各个不同尺度的聚集程度。

    Cosmologists repeat the exercise with spheres of various radii to measure this lumpiness at different scales .

  14. 多年来宇宙学家一直在推测多重宇宙的存在,但至今都无法证实。

    Cosmologists have speculated about multiple universes for years , but have thus far been unable to prove their existence .

  15. “这是一项有趣的发现,”加州大学圣克鲁兹分校的宇宙学家皮埃罗·马导说。

    " This is an intriguing result ," says cosmologist Piero Madau of the University of California , Santa Cruz .

  16. 同样的,宇宙学家并不需要猜测宇宙如何演化,我们可以用望远镜看到它过往的历史。

    Similarly , cosmologists do not need to guess how the universe evolved ; we can watch its history through telescopes .

  17. 宇宙学家说,它仍然是一个秘密,宇宙为什么像是由压倒性正常物质组成。

    It is still a mystery , cosmologists say , why the universe seems to be overwhelmingly composed of normal matter .

  18. 对于宇宙学家来说,这些星系只不过是组成大规模宇宙空间的原子。

    And to the cosmologist , these galaxies are just the atoms , as it were , of the large-scale universe .

  19. 来自弦论、宇宙学和观测天文学的论证已经让宇宙学家猜测我们生活在多重的宇宙中。

    Arguments from string theory , cosmology and observational astronomy have led some cosmologists to suggest we live in one of many universes .

  20. 宇宙学家曾设想,因为他们推算时间后他们最终会找到宇宙大爆炸的时间。

    The cosmologists had assumed that , as they work backwards in time they would eventually work their way back all the way to the beginning of the big Bang .

  21. 这局面迫使一些宇宙学家开始放弃他们日思夜想的美梦:找到一个可以用以解释宇宙万物的统一理论。

    It has led some cosmologists to the verge of abandoning their fondest dream : a theory that can account for the universe and everything about it in a single breath .

  22. 英国宇宙学家史蒂芬·霍金给伤心欲绝的歌迷们的建议是遵循理论物理,因为马利克很可能在另外一个宇宙仍然是单向乐队的成员。

    The advice of British cosmologist Stephen Hawking to heartbroken fans is to follow theoretical physics , because Malik may well still be a member of the pop group in another universe .

  23. 但是作为一个宇宙学家,我同时也有着一个特别的视角,也就是对更广阔未来的洞察力。

    But there 's one respect , I think , in which being a cosmologist offered a special perspective , and that 's that it offers an awareness of the immense future .

  24. 宇宙学家更倾向于红移的距离测量,计算宇宙的膨胀来判断光波被拉长了多少。这个星系的红移量大约是10.7。

    In the cosmologist 's preferred distance measure of redshift , which gauges how much light has been stretched in an expanding universe , the galaxy lies at a redshift of about 10.7 .

  25. 实际上,大多数宇宙学家如今同意这个观点,即并不是所有运动都是相对的,时空的确独立于物质存在,尽管它不是静态和绝对的。

    In fact , most cosmologists agree today that not quite all motion is relative and that space-time does have an existence independent of matter , though it is anything but static and absolute .

  26. 著名宇宙学家史蒂芬·霍金与150多名院士于上周四联合上书,呼吁英国人民在公投时选择继续留在欧盟,否则将会造成科学研究界的重大灾难。

    Renowned cosmologist Stephen Hawking was among 150 academics to declare support for Britain remaining in the European Union on Thursday in a letter that said leaving the bloc would damage science and research .

  27. 英国著名宇宙学家史蒂芬·霍金本周二进入了中国社交媒体的浩瀚空间,引起巨大反响。他发布的首条微博(中国版本的推特)当天便吸引了超过了200万粉丝。

    Renowned cosmologist Stephen Hawking entered the universe of Chinese social media with a big bang on Tuesday , with his first post to the country 's Twitter-like Weibo service garnering him more than 2 million followers the same day .

  28. 4月5日的《生活大爆炸》中著名的英国理论物理学家、宇宙学家史蒂芬霍金将会在大学停留,与他最忠实狂热的粉丝谢尔顿库珀分享他伟大瑰丽的思想。

    Casting News : Famed British theoretical physicist and cosmologist Stephen Hawking will stop by the University to share his beautiful mind with his most ardent admirer , Sheldon Cooper , on THE BIG BANG THEORY , Thursday , April 5 .

  29. 据宇宙探测器和天文学家收集的有力证据,火星是一个人类不能居住的星球。它不像地球,而更像月球--一个干涸、荒芜,看上去没有任何生命的世界。

    Mars According to the best evidence gathered by space probes and astronomers , Mars is an inhospitable planet , more similar to Earth 's Moon than to Earth itself-a dry , stark , seemingly lifeless world .

  30. 那里有许多片天和许多宇宙等待着天文学家去研究,有时候这些美国国家航空和宇宙航行局的天文学家把消息聚在一起,那意味着他们给了大范围人群接触相同的信息的途径来看看他们是否能得出点儿什么。

    AZUZ : There is a lot of sky , a lot of universe out there for astronomers to study , sometimes those astronomers at NASA crowd source , and what that means , is they give wide groups of people access to the same information to see if they can come up with anything .