
yǔ zhòu péng zhàng
  • cosmic expansion
  1. 宇宙膨胀动因的另类物理解释

    A different physical interpretation on the cosmic expansion agent

  2. 宇宙膨胀理论中的几个问题

    View on Some Problems in Cosmic Expansion System

  3. 五维Brans-Dicke引力理论的宇宙膨胀

    Universe inflation of five dimensional Brans-Dicke gravitational theory

  4. 这类名为Ia型的超新星爆发由于可以在很远的距离上被观测到,并且亮度遵循可靠的模式,它们被当成测量宇宙膨胀的里程计。

    These supernovae , called Type1a , serve as cosmic mile markers to measure expansion of the universe because they can be seen at large distances , and they follow a reliable pattern of brightness .

  5. Ia超新星作为测量遥远星系距离(从而测定宇宙膨胀速率)的标准烛光,已经成为具有重要意义的天体。

    Supernovae of Type la ( SNe la ) are becoming more significant objects , which can be used as a standard candle to measure distances to remote galaxies-and hence to determine the expansion rate of the universe .

  6. 获奖者是由物理学家组成的独立委员会选定,例如艾德•威滕,弦理论学家和提出了宇宙膨胀理论的AlanGuth。

    The prize winners were selected by an independent committee of physicists , such as d Witten , the string theorist , and Alan Guth , who proposed the theory of cosmic inflation .

  7. 因此Chary的研究意义重大,因为其证实了宇宙膨胀说,即宇宙在大爆炸之后开始不断膨胀,最终导致多重宇宙的产生。

    Chary 's research is therefore significant because it could lend credence to the theory that cosmic inflation -- which is the notion that the universe began inflating right after the Big Bang -- led to multiple universes .

  8. 一个办法就是把其中一颗卫星用于广域红外线巡天望近镜(WFIRST)项目,红外线望远镜可以用来研究暗能量——这股神秘的力量被认为是宇宙膨胀的幕后推手。

    One idea is to use one of the mirrors for the WFIRST mission , an infra-red telescope designed to investigate dark energy-the still-mysterious force thought to be behind the accelerating expansion of the universe .

  9. 人们还认识到,宇宙膨胀了一百万倍。

    The mental picture of the universe had expanded a millionfold .

  10. 这就意味着宇宙膨胀速度快于光速。

    That means it was expanding faster than the speed of light .

  11. 宇宙膨胀宇宙从一个奇点爆发增长。

    Cosmic inflation - explosive growth of the Universe from a singularity .

  12. 然后,宇宙膨胀速度正在加快的发现让世人震惊。

    However , the discovery that this expansion is accelerating is astounding .

  13. 关于宇宙膨胀的密度时间曲线的经典理论计算

    Classical calculation on density-time curve of extension of universe

  14. 他们不理解的是,为什么宇宙膨胀的速度越来越快。

    They don 't understand why it 's expanding at an ever-increasing rate .

  15. 宇宙膨胀之谜给科学家们提供了一个比所有其它科学问题更大的存在难题。

    More than any other scientific problem the cosmic-expansion conundrum presents scientists with an existential quandary .

  16. 基本的架构是解释宇宙膨胀的标准大霹雳理论。

    The basic framework is the standard big bang theory for the expansion of the universe .

  17. 宇宙膨胀与宇宙学距离

    Cosmic Expansion and Cosmological Distances

  18. 暗能量是一种神秘的与万有引力相反的排斥力,它使宇宙膨胀。

    Dark energy is a mysterious repulsive force that opposes gravity , causing the universe to expand .

  19. 宇宙膨胀的发现是非世纪最伟大智力革命之一

    The discovery that the universe is expanding was one of the greatest intellectual revolutions of the twentieth century

  20. 这条定律是哈勃通过观测星体的退移所得,充分证明了宇宙膨胀论。

    What Hubble convincingly demonstrated by seeing the motion of those galaxies is that the universe is expanding .

  21. 宇宙膨胀论是基本粒子物理学中一些公认的理论在科学上得出的似乎可信的推论。

    Cosmic inflation is a scientifically plausible consequence of some respected ideas in elementary particle physics * ( 1998:75 )

  22. 经宇宙膨胀后,气体冷却并凝缩成无数今日可见的星系。

    Through the expansion of the universe , the gas cooled and condensed into the myriad galaxies found today .

  23. 宇宙膨胀也因此重获律动:当你认为它应该变慢时,实际上却变快了。

    Cosmic expansion has got its groove back : once thought to be winding down , it is actually speeding up .

  24. 这项检验结果也支持暗能量的存在,暗能量是似乎正在使宇宙膨胀的一种神秘力量。

    The test also lends support for dark energy , the mysterious force that appears to be pushing the universe apart .

  25. 普通物体像是星球和星系等,倾向减缓宇宙膨胀的速度,甚至使得宇宙再次塌陷。

    Ordinary objects such as stars and galaxies tend to slow down an expanding universe and can even cause it to recollapse .

  26. 不过不管怎样,它们和其它的各种天文项目都仍将致力于解决宇宙膨胀之谜。

    But one way or another it is cosmic expansion that they , and all sorts of other astronomical ventures , will be addressing .

  27. 如果科学家在高加索山脉的洞穴里找到了以前不知道的中微子的话,那会影响宇宙膨胀的基本计算。

    An extra population of neutrinos discovered by scientists in a cave in the Caucasus would affect basic calculations of the expansion of the universe .

  28. 研究者们认为是暗能量推动宇宙膨胀速度加快,但是暗能量究竟是什么仍然是个未知数也许这是当今物理学界的最大难题。

    The acceleration is thought to be driven by dark energy , but what that dark energy is remains an enigma - perhaps the greatest in physics today .

  29. 夸克结成物质,在宇宙膨胀的初级价段物质相对密集,生成了超出我们想象的超大质量恒星。

    The quark forms matters , which are relatively dense at the early stage of the cosmic expansion , creating super massive stars that are beyond our imagination .

  30. 为了庆贺开放获取周,剑桥大学于近日将霍金1966年的博士论文《宇宙膨胀的性质》放在了其开放获取知识库上。

    In honor of Open Access Week , the University of Cambridge put the 1966 PhD thesis , " Properties of Expanding Universes , " on its open access repository .