- Radio band;radio wavelength band

The data of R band was from our long-term observation and literature . And the data of radio band was collected from literature .
And NVSS , FIRST in radio wave band .
Then , we briefly summarize the photometric and spectral observation properties ( from radio to X-ray ), and the latest progress of starburst galaxies .
Observational data in the radio , X-ray and optical wavebands provide the reliable evidences that the interaction between flare coronal loops can lead to the onset of solar flares .
It will carry on five observing instruments and the main optical telescope with the aperture of 1m to observe simultaneously in different wave bands for the white light , UV light , hard X-ray , soft X-ray , H α line and radio emission etc.
The viewing angle of the jet of blazar is very small . Thus , its radiation will be Doppler enhanced , and generate a wide spectrum from radio band to light energy - y-ray band .
Study of the Correlation between γ - ray and Radio Emission in Lower Frequency at 6 cm Band of Blazar
This paper presents a filter protecting the radio astronomicalfrequency band , which is a novel coaxial band-rejection filter in structure .
The free-bound continuum is strongest in the optical regime , whereas the free-free continuum dominates in the radio and infrared regimes .
The cooperation program between China , Australia and Great Britain , Pulsar timing observation at 18 cm using 25 m radio telescopy of Urumqi , is introduced for its significance , reconstruction of the receiver and its sensitivity .
The FPAs have been equipped widely on millimeter and sub-millimeter radio telescopes and main bands of large radio telescopes in the world .
The sensitivity equations of radiometer have been derived theoretically , from which the sensitivities and harmful interference levels for radioastronomy observations in most allocated bands are evaluated .
The radio transformation efficiency increases with age t. This shows that the maximum value of the frequency spectrum of radiation of pulsar evolves toward the radio wave band gradually .