
  • 网络Igarashi
  1. 五十岚的朋友,葡萄牙冲浪者TeresaBonvalot也参加了奥运会。

    Igarishi 's friend , Portuguese surfer Teresa Bonvalot , is also competing in the Olympics .

  2. 五十岚是一名日裔美国冲浪者,代表日本参赛。

    Kanoa Igarashi is a Japanese-American surfer competing for Japan .

  3. 五十岚在他从小到大冲浪的海滩上输掉了争夺金牌的比赛。

    Igarishi had lost the fight for a gold medal on the beach he grew up surfing .

  4. 由特约的五十岚策划,游戏将为贝尔蒙特家族的家族带来新的冒险,包括角色本身和他们所面临的危险。

    Developed in collaboration with franchise mastermind Koji Igarashi ( aka IGA ), the game breathes new life into the Belmont family bloodline with fresh adventures , characters and perils .

  5. 量体选衣曾经当过时装模特五十岚馨有一套基于黄金分割律的理论,就是说可能有这样一种算法,它能用你的关键尺寸和脸部比例算出你最适合哪种时装。

    Former fashion model Kaoru Igarashi had a theory , based on the golden mean ratio , that there might be an algorithm capable of calculating what fashion best suits you using your vital stats and facial dimensions .