
  • 网络Hardware market;metal market
  1. 在当今竞争激烈的五金市场,投资强调要确保划算,环境方面健全的动力资源的需求。

    The investment highlights the need to secure cost-effective and environmentally sound power resources in today 's competitive metals markets .

  2. “精于品质、长于创新”是公司赖以生存的基础,也是进军国内外五金市场的保证。

    " Excellent quality , longer than innovation " is the company 's survival , is fundamental to tap into the market at home and abroad hardware guarantee .

  3. 五金批发市场、小商品批发市场、灯饰市场、石材市场、纺织品市场等。

    Project content : Wholesale markets of hardware , wholesale market of commodity , lighting market , stone market , the textile market .

  4. 当地的专业市场是应永康市产业发展需要而产生的,目前永康市五金专业市场已经是国内规模最大的五金专业市场。

    Professional market produce is to meet the development of local industry in YONG KANG , YONG KANG hardware is already the largest hardware in domestic professional market .