
  • 网络dragon totem
  1. 刍议龙图腾与傣民族之缘

    The predestined relationship between the dragon totem and the Dai nationality

  2. 谈龙图腾符号的在标志设计中的运用

    Discusses the Dragon Totem Mark in the Symbol Design Utilization

  3. 傣族龙图腾文化刍议

    A Study of the Dragon - totem Culture of the Dai Nationality

  4. 论中国民族服饰中的龙图腾

    On the Dragon Totem in the Chinese Traditional Trappings

  5. 是故原来的虎、龙图腾也随之演变为狼、鹿图腾。

    The former totems of tiger and dragon became totems of wolf and deer .

  6. 龙图腾新断

    A New Hypothesis on the Dragon Totem

  7. 龙图腾崇拜与中华民族的融合

    Dragon Totemism Harmony of Chinese Peoples

  8. 十字架遭遇龙图腾

    Cross Encounters Dragon Totem

  9. 龙图腾崇拜是中华民族的共同心理,有极其丰富的内容和文化内涵。

    Dragon totemism is the common psychology of Chinese people . It is endowed with rather profound content and cultural connotation .

  10. 在考古界的定义中,北方的红山文化比之前我们认为黄河流域是中华民族龙图腾的发源地还要早。

    In the definition of the archaeology , the north of Hong Shan culture is earlier than the Yellow River is the origin of the dragon totem of the Chinese nation which we thought .

  11. 龙图腾的形成过程和龙形象的最终定形,反映了我们中华文化包容、延续、和谐、奋发开拓、自强不息的内涵和特征。

    The process of the form of totem and the final fixed form of the dragon figure reflected the connotation and feature of the inclusion , harmony , continuous self-renewal and enthusiastic development of our Chinese culture .

  12. 在三千年一遇的千禧龙年之际,论述了中华民族龙图腾的形成,祥龙文化艺术的发展与包装应用。

    At the arrival of the Chinese Dragon Year of the 3rd millennium , a discussion is devoted to the forming of Chinese totem of dragon , the development of dragon culture and art , and its application to packaging .

  13. 龙是图腾文化的融合。

    Loong is the merger of totem culture .

  14. 本文仅对龙成为傣民族图腾之来由进行探议,旨在揭示各民族宗教、艺术在融合中产生的多元化变异。

    This article aims to explore the underlying cause of how ' the dragon ' became the totem for the Dai nationality .

  15. 中华民族自古以来以龙的传人自称,崇拜龙的图腾,以龙为尊。

    The Chinese nation since ancient times to the descendants of the dragon itself , the dragon totem worship , for the dragon statue .