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  • gynecopathy
  1. 边远地区农村己婚育龄妇女妇科病调查分析

    Survey of gynecopathy among female peasants of childbearing age in far region

  2. 各种妇科病让人心烦不已。

    Gynecopathy let people upset unceasingly .

  3. 体检后,绝大部分都被告知有妇科病。结果96人接受LEEP刀手术治疗后,身体出现严重不适。

    Most of them were told that they had gynecological disorders , and96 who received loop electrosurgical excision procedures ( LEEP ) all had severe complications .

  4. 目的:为了解延安市不良孕产史妇女及妇科病患者与正常妊娠结局者及健康妇女的Toxo感染情况。

    Aim : To investigate into toxoplasma infection among normal and abnormal pregnant woman and diseased and healthy woman in Yan'an .

  5. 中医诊治妇科病的经验

    Experiences in diagnosis and treatment of gynecologic diseases in TCM

  6. 育龄妇女妇科病患病率58.90%;

    Prevalence rate of gynecology disease was 58.90 % .

  7. 生殖道人型支原体感染与常见妇科病的关系

    Genital mycoplasma hominis infections and common gynecologic diseases

  8. 棉酚对几种妇科病的疗效和副作用

    Therapeutic Efficacy , Side Effects and Long-term Follow-up in Gossypol Treatment of some Gynecological Diseases

  9. 河北省卢龙县2008年2106例妇科病普查结果分析

    Analysis of Census Results of 2106 Cases of Gynecological Diseases in Lulong County of Hebei Province in 2008

  10. 每种方法都有很多弊端,容易引起种种并发症和妇科病。

    Each approach has many drawbacks , easily lead to various complications of surgical abortion and gynecological diseases .

  11. 你有过其它病吗?比如说,肾炎、胆结石或妇科病?

    Have you ever had any other illness , for instance nephritis , gall-stones or any gynecological diseases ?

  12. 所以,80%甚至更多的妇科病都与月经不调有着直接或间接的关系。

    Therefore , 80 % or more of gynecological diseases with abnormal menstruation has a direct or indirect relationship .

  13. 偏硅酸:能改善血管扩张,降低心血管发病率,可防治皮肤病、妇科病、糖尿病。

    Metasilicate acid can improve telangiectasia , decrease incidence of cardiovascular and avoid skin diseases , gynecopathy & diabetes .

  14. 结论该区妇科病患病率为42.6%,生殖道感染患病率为37.8%,高年龄、良好的医疗保障制度、无人工流产史为妇科病的保护因素;

    Conclusion The morbidity rates of gynecopathy , genital meatus infection in Dongshan district was 42.6 % and 37.8 % respectively .

  15. 妇科病发病比例高达61.2%以上,而住院分娩率仅为42.7%。

    The percentage of gynecological diseases is more than 61.2 % and the rate of delivery in hospital is only 42.7 % .

  16. 妇科病:月经不调、痛经、闭经、崩漏、经期感冒、乳腺小叶增生、更年期综合症。

    Gynecopathy : Irregular Menstruation , Dysmenorrhea , Climacteric Syndrome , Metrorrhagia , Cold in Menstrual Period , Hyperplasia of Mammary Glands , Climacteric Syndrome .

  17. 结果妇科病患病率为42.6%,生殖道感染患病率为37.8%,其中宫颈炎患病率为33.6%。

    Results The rate of gynecopathy was 42.6 % , and that of genital meatus infection , and cervicitis was 37.8 % and 33.6 % respectively .

  18. 1978年12月至1985年7月作者应用棉酚治疗284例妇科病。

    In this paper the results of gossypol treatment of 284 patients with some gynecological diseases ( from December 1978 to July 1985 ) were summarized .

  19. 通过整理“郑氏女科”家传抄本方书,提炼出“郑氏女科”论治妇科病的特色为重视心脾二脏的调治。

    This article studied the manuscripts of " Zheng 's Gynecology " and found that the women 's diseases should therapeutically emphasize the heart and spleen .

  20. 赤带是一种妇科病,要及时发现及时治疗。

    Leucorrhea is a type of gynecological disease that is characterized by a bloody discharge . it should be detected , and treated as soon as possible .

  21. 方法上篇通过广泛查阅常见妇科病血瘀证临床与实验研究的相关文献,并对相关文献进行了深入的研究和总结。

    Methods : Sup-chapter extensively refers to pertinent literature of clinical and empirical study advancement of common gynaecopathia blood stagnation , then thoroughly researches and summarizes are done .

  22. 社区居民的健康与疾病状况:①常见疾病为感冒、腹泻、妇科病、关节炎、胃炎和腰背痛。

    The residents state of health : ① Common diseases include : cold , diarrhea , gynecological problems , arthritis , gastritis and back pain caused by overwork .

  23. 已婚女性患妇科病较未婚女性多。结论女性生殖健康存在诸多问题,社会、学校应关心女性生殖健康,重视健康教育。

    Conclusion There are some problems in procreation status of women , and the society and schools should pay more attention the procreation health and to give the procreation education .

  24. 他说妇科病的主要来源之一就是丈夫不干净导致的,所以他要求我保持干净的同时也要求自己干净。

    He said the main source of gynecological diseases is one of her husband does not clean the lead , so he asked me to keep clean and also clean themselves .

  25. 结论:目前我省贫困地区农村育龄妇女的两周患病率和妇科病患病率较高,孕期保健的各指标都低于全国水平。

    Conclusion : Currently , prevalence rates of gynecology disease and two weeks in poor region are higher , but each indicator of care of pregnant woman is lower than national level .

  26. 除了害怕生出不正常的孩子,梦露还患有严重的子宫内膜异位症,这种妇科病发作时会导致盆腔剧烈疼痛和严重痉挛,还会引发痛经。

    In addition to her fear of giving birth to an abnormal child , Marilyn suffered from devastating bouts of endometriosis , a gynaecological condition causing intense pelvic pain , severe cramps and painful periods .

  27. 其实,生活中有很多可以预防和远离妇科病的小窍门,只要你够留心,发病率可能会减少许多哟。

    In fact , life there many can prevent and far from the disease of department of gynaecology tricks , as long as you have enough attention , may reduce the incidence of many oh .

  28. [结果]妇科病患病率为47.57%,前5位疾病依次为慢性宫颈炎、慢性盆腔炎/附件炎、乳腺增生、阴道炎、子宫肌瘤。

    [ Results ] The whole incidence of gynecological diseases was 47.57 % , the first 5 diseases were chronic cervicitis , chronic pelvic inflammation / appendagitis , hyperplasia of mammary glands , coleitis , hysteromyoma respectively .

  29. 影响已婚育龄妇女生育意愿的因素主要有初婚年龄、人均耕地、是否有妇科病、住房类型、丈夫民族和家里的劳动力是否足够。

    The influent factors were associated with women 's 1st wedding age , average cultivate land , whether had any gynecological diseases , what kind of house , husband 's nation and whether had enough labors in family .

  30. 需求频次较高的知识为常见病预防知识、作业场所主要职业危害的种类及对健康的影响、妇科病的防治知识;

    The preventive knowledge about common diseases , types of the occupational hazards in operational fields and relevant influence on their health , prevention knowledge about disease of women were demanded more frequently among the female employees of foreign enterprise .