
  1. 相传这里是当年孔明祭风处。

    According to legend , this is where Kong Ming prayed for wind .

  2. 东巴大祭风习俗的形成和变迁与纳西族的宗教观念、殉情风习,以及家族观念密切相关

    This practice is closely connected with the religious concepts , sacrifical customs and clan system outlook of the Naxi nationality . The Wind

  3. 东巴大祭风作为纳西族祭祀非正常死亡者灵魂的仪式,情与怵交错互动、贯穿于整个祭祀过程中。

    As the ceremony of sacrifice to the souls of those accidental deaths , the interaction between affection and fear is embodied in the whole process of Wind Sacrifice .

  4. 在这种情况下,中央政府和地方官员进行毁淫祠活动以遏制私建、私祭之风,解决淫祠的存在与兴盛引起的各种问题。

    In such a circumstance , the central government and the local officials of the Ming Dynasty continued to crack down these illegal religious establishments in order to stop the trend of private construction and worship , and to resolve other problems caused by this phenomenon .