
tàn ɡē wǔ
  • tango
  1. 脚步轻盈灵活的瓦尔学会了跳探戈舞。

    Val , who was light and nimble on her feet , learnt to dance the tango .

  2. 探戈舞与羽毛球运动健身价值的相关性研究

    Elegant Sports Related study on Body-building Values between Tango and Badminton

  3. 对不起,我不想跳探戈舞。

    I don 't care for the tango . I 'm sorry .

  4. 对,我是探戈舞博士

    Yes . I 'm a doctor of the tango .

  5. 能请你跳华尔兹舞或探戈舞吗?

    May I have the pleasure of a waltz or a tango ?

  6. 这支曲子适合跳探戈舞。

    This piece of music is suitable for tango .

  7. 一对表演者在表演阿根廷探戈舞。

    A pair of performers is performing Argentine tango .

  8. 探戈舞并不是唯一的脑力。

    Tango dancing isn 't the only way to power up the brain .

  9. 可是那慢步探戈舞已经开始了。

    But the slow street tango had begun .

  10. 18世纪,非洲奴隶将探戈舞带到了海地和古巴;

    African slaves brought the tango to Haiti and Cuba in the 18th century ;

  11. 下一个是探戈舞,你是不是约好舞伴了?

    Are you engaged for the next tango ?

  12. 跳探戈舞必须两个人。

    It takes two to tango .

  13. 也许你在美国公共广播事务局上看过美国和国际标准探戈舞,与阿根廷社交性的探戈舞有很大的不同。

    The American and International ballroom tangos you may see on PBS , are very different from the tango danced socially in Argentina .

  14. 体育舞蹈选手梁瑜洁和沈宏在周六的广州亚运会上夺得了探戈舞冠军,这也是中国自1974年开始派队参加亚运会以来,所取得的第1000枚金牌。

    Sport dancers Liang Yujie and Shen Hong claimed the Tango gold at the Guangzhou Asian Games on Saturday , which is China's1000th since the country made an Asian Games debut in1974 .

  15. 网站建议,如果你想去排在第四的阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯游玩,那就请你所见过的最漂亮的美女教你跳探戈舞吧。

    If you want to visit Buenos Aires , Argentina which is fourth on the list ask the most beautiful woman , that you have ever seen in your life , to teach you the tango ' the Travelers Digest suggests .

  16. 网站建议,如果你想去排在第四的阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯游玩,那就“请你所见过的最漂亮的美女教你跳探戈舞吧。”

    If you want to visit Buenos Aires , Argentina which is fourth on the list " ask the most beautiful woman , that you have ever seen in your life , to teach you the tango ' the Travelers Digest suggests . "

  17. 我们承诺会出现在对方的婚礼上,我们会相互指导旅行后(或是新旅行)的生活,我们期望着在非洲、亚洲的旅行中再次相遇并在布宜诺斯艾利斯一起跳探戈舞。

    We will be at each others weddings if we get married , we coach each other through our post - ( or newly ) - travel lives , and we hope to meet up for other adventures in Africa , Asia , and to dance tango in Buenos Aires .

  18. 传统舞蹈包括华尔兹、快步舞、探戈、狐步舞等等。

    Traditional dances include the waltz , quickstep , tango , foxtrot , and so on .

  19. 交谊舞又称现代舞或摩登舞,是体育舞蹈的一种,它包括华尔兹、探戈、互补舞、快步舞和维也纳华尔兹。

    Ballroom dance also known as modern dance , or Modern dance is a kind of sport dance , which includes the waltz , tango , complementary dance , quickstep and Viennese waltz .

  20. 你知道阿根廷的探戈受过一种叫什么探戈·哈巴涅拉舞的影响吗?

    Did you know that Argentina tango was influenced by something called Tango Habenera ?