
  1. 这名作家因多个广受欢迎的探险故事而出了名。

    The author earned his fame through several popular tales of adventure .

  2. 那个水手满肚子都是探险故事。

    The sailor has a rich stock of tales of adventure .

  3. 我真的很喜欢探险故事。

    I really like adventure stories .

  4. 在哈利的探险故事里,在经典神话中,独角兽都代表这绝对善良。

    Unicorn , in harry ` s adventure as well as in classical mythology , are pure goodness .

  5. 这是对男孩魔法师探险故事第六集进行的第二次日期变更。

    It 's the second date change for the sixth installment in the adventures of the boy wizard .

  6. 这段事迹具备科学探险故事的所有要素:国际竞争、神秘的观测效应,而其争议性的结果,又会影响天文学史上最重要的问题之一。

    The story has all the ingredients of a scientific thriller : international rivalry , mysterious observational effects and controversial results bearing on one of the most confounding problems in the history of astronomy .

  7. 肯一直特别喜欢有关海底探险的故事。

    Ken always has a fascination for stories about undersea exploration .

  8. 这是一个科学探险的故事。

    It is a story of scientific expedition .

  9. 剧作《极度深寒》取材于弗兰克林探险队遇难的故事,这也是小说《欠缺》的第二条主线(全书共有三条主线)。

    The Frozen Deep was based on the disastrous Franklin Expedition , which furnishes Wanting with a secondary plot ( it has three in all ) .