
  • 网络A Tale of cat city
  1. 这种期待视野的融合与疏离,对《猫城记》的形成和变化影响较大。

    This fusion and alienation of the horizons of expectation influenced A Tale of Cat City a lot .

  2. 首先,《猫城记》是老舍在特殊背景下创作的一部特殊作品。

    First of all , A Tale of Cat City is a special works that Lao She created under the special background .

  3. 重新阅读的意义&以《猫城记》为例

    Significance of Re-reading & Taking Cat City for Example

  4. 《猫城记》探讨了古老民族性格的再塑和民族精神的复苏;

    A Tale of the Cat Country probed into the remolding of ancient national character and the resuscitation of national spirit .

  5. 本文旨在从寓言体小说的角度重新解读《猫城记》,并试图分析由此而产生出的双重审美效果。

    This article , analyzes this novel in the perspective of fable-type novels , and tries to digs out the double effect of aesthetics found in the novel .

  6. 虽然作品在艺术和思想上有诸多缺憾,但《猫城记》仍不失为老舍创作中的一部重要作品。

    Though it has a great deal of shortcoming in art and thought , A Tale of Cat City can be regarded as one of Lao She 's important works still .

  7. 全文分为四章,第一章为绪论部分,包括《猫城记》的国内外研究现状,以及寓言理论的简单梳理和界定。

    This paper is divided into four chapters : 1 . The first chapter is an introduction section , including the current disquisitions on A Tale of Cat City at home and abroad and the loose organization and definition of " theories of allegory " .