
  • 网络timothy grass;timothy;phleum pratense
  1. 猫尾草不同品种的最佳刈割时期

    Most suitable time for cutting among different timothy varieties

  2. 猫尾草引种对比试验

    Report of Introduction of Timothy

  3. 猫尾草不同品种的草产量和适应性评价

    Hay yield and adaptability of different Phleum pratense varieties

  4. 施肥对猫尾草种子产量及生殖枝转化的影响

    Effect of Fertilizer Application on Seed Yield and Transformation of Fertile Tillers of Phleum pratense

  5. 添加剂、收割期对猫尾草青贮细胞壁成分和体外干物质消化率的影响

    The Effect of Additives , Harvesting Period on Cell Wall Constituents and In Vitro Dry Matter Digestibility of Timothy Silage

  6. 以猫尾草(Phleumpratense)不同品种在各试验点的茎叶比、青干比、草产量等指标为基础,对各品种的营养价值和含水量进行了比较。

    Comparison was made between the nutritive value and water content of different Phleum pratense varieties based on indices including LWR ( leaf weight ratio ), wet to dry weight ratio , and hay yield .