
  • 网络international economic coordination
  1. 西方七国集团国际经济协调机制研究

    Research on the Group of Seven of the International Economic Coordination Regime

  2. 各个国家的策略由竞争向合作转化,越来越多的国家参与到国际经济协调之中。

    More and more countries participate in international economic coordination .

  3. 中美战略经济对话:国际经济协调新框架

    A New Framework of International Economic Coordination

  4. 中美战略经济对话是国际经济协调的新发展。

    Sino-US Strategic Economic Dialogue ( SED ) is a new development of international economic coordination .

  5. 在经济全球化步伐加快、经济主体相互依赖性增强的背景下,国际经济协调显得尤为重要。

    In the background of rapid pace of economic globalization and economic interdependence of the main enhanced .

  6. 国际经济协调作为国际经济关系中的重要现象,始终在世界经济的运行中扮演着重要的角色。

    As an important phenomenon in international economic relations , international economic coordination always plays an important role in the run of world economy .

  7. 该部分是本文有所创新之处,国民待遇标准的适用原则包括尊重国家主权原则,互惠与对等原则,从国情出发原则以及国际经济协调原则。

    The principles of national treatment standard should comprises the principle of respecting state sovereignty , that of mutual benefit and equity , that of proceeding from national conditions and that of coordinating international economy .

  8. 本文论述了经济全球化的形成及其内涵、经济全球化的不平衡性及其障碍,以及经济全球化中国际经济协调的作用与局限性。

    In this paper we elucidated the formation and the connotation of the globalization of economy , and its unbalances and obstacles . The function and limitation of the harmonization of international economy in the globalization of economy also have been discussed .

  9. 虽然我将不遗余力通过国际经济重新协调所来恢复国际贸易,但我认为国内的紧急情况无法等待这重新协调的完成。

    I shall spare no effort to restore world trade by international economic readjustment , but the emergency at home cannot wait on that accomplishment .

  10. 国际经济政策协调对解决国际经济的相互依存性问题的作用日益增大,国际利率联动性也呈增强趋势。

    The international economic policy coordination is increasing to solve international economic interdependence issues , and international interest rate linkage also shows an increasing trend .

  11. 鉴于外部因素对中国经济的重大影响,中国内外均衡的实现离不开国际经济政策协调与合作。

    Due to the significant effect of the external factors to the economic unbalance , the fundamental method is the coordination of the international economic policies .

  12. 国际宏观经济政策协调与经济主权问题

    International Macro - economic Policies Coordination and Economic Sovereignty

  13. 国际宏观经济政策协调是指国家之间协调各自宏观经济政策以消除政策对彼此的负面影响、实现本国经济目标的行为。

    The coordination of international macroeconomic policy refers those activities existed between countries that coordinate their own macroeconomic policy to eliminate the negative impact which caused by the policy for each other .

  14. 此外,国际经济环境和政策协调也是非常重要的因素。

    Besides , the environments of international economy and policy coordination should also be taken into account .

  15. 积极参与国际宏观经济政策对话协调和经贸金融合作,在共同应对国际金融危机中发挥了建设性作用。

    We actively participated in international macroeconomic policy dialogue and coordination as well as economic , trade and financial cooperation , and played a constructive role in the joint response to the global financial crisis .

  16. 贯穿经济一体化的有三大机制,即国际经济的互补机制、国际经济的协调机制和国际经济利益的共享机制。

    There are three major mechanisms concerning economic integration , namely , international economic mutually complementary mechanisms , international economic interrelated mechanism and international economic benefits sharing mechanism .

  17. 积极参与国际金融秩序的重建,努力推动多哈回合谈判,重视在二十国集团新的平台上加强国际经济关系协调与合作,以争取更大的经济发展的外部空间。

    We must actively participate in the reconstruction of international financial order , promote the Doha Round negotiations , and attach much importance to G20 & new platform of coordination and cooperation , in order to strive for greater exterior room for economic development .

  18. 国际经济合作主要包括国际直接投资、国际间接投资、国际发展援助、国际科技合作、国际承包工程与劳务合作和国际经济政策的协调与合作等形式。

    International economic cooperation mainly takes the forms of international direct investment , international indirect investment , international development aid , international scientific cooperation , international contract project and service cooperation , the cooperation and coordination of international economic policies etc.