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mínɡ yàn
  • Mingyan;bright and colourful
明艳 [míng yàn]
  • [bright and beautiful] 鲜艳,明丽

  • 光彩明艳

  1. 他喜欢暗淡、柔和的颜色;而她喜欢明艳的颜色。

    He likes sombre , muted colours — she likes bright colours

  2. 色彩明艳的船只往来于岛屿之间。

    The brightly-coloured boats ply between the islands .

  3. 一个栽种了凤仙花的大赤陶罐里开出了明艳如火的花朵。

    A large terracotta pot planted with Busy Lizzie provides a fiery bright red display .

  4. Polychrome商店出售色彩明艳的塑料家具、黑胶唱片和令人忆起六七十年代的奇特玻璃制品。

    In Polychrome , a mishmash of bright plastic furniture , vinyl LPs and funky glassware hearkens back to the " 60s and " 70s .

  5. 对于这些明艳配色的灵感源于何处,人们有着很多看法。

    There are many ideas about where the ne bright palette come from .

  6. 你在织什么,如此美丽而明艳?

    What do you make so fair and bright ?

  7. 那束色彩鲜艳的花大部分依旧明艳动人。

    The brightly-colored flowers keep most of their color .

  8. 红宝石般的色泽明艳动人。几许莫利洛黑樱桃与成熟红莓的芬芳十分显著。

    Ruby red color with distinct hints of Morello cherry and ripe red berries .

  9. 看看在孩子们玩耍的空气上开得烂漫的小花儿吧,它们的色彩如此明艳,结构如此精美

    Look at the brilliant colors and intricate patterns of tiny flowers that cover playing fields

  10. 其中最明艳动人的一位。

    The most beautiful of all these .

  11. 红宝石般的明艳色泽。

    Ruby red in color .

  12. 这种剪纸色泽明艳贴在窗子上光影效果极佳。

    In the windows , the bright colors combined with light to form lovely patterns and shadows .

  13. 水墨为诗骨,参以色彩渲染,明艳动人。

    Ink for poetry bone , together with color rendering , his works are bright and beautiful .

  14. 它是来源于最直接的内心的声音,色彩明艳,声音铿锵,个性张扬。

    It is derived from direct inner voices , which are vivid , sonorous and of strong character .

  15. 她那明艳的秀色固然已经一去不返,可是那描写不尽的端庄,说不尽的风韵,仍旧不减当年。

    The freshness of her beauty was indeed gone , its indescribable majesty and its indescribable charm remained .

  16. 更何况,我的樱若穿红色的那真是明艳可爱得紧。

    Is defect in * , if my cherry wears red of that is truly apparently brilliant lovely tight .

  17. 出于只有大自然才明白的理由,色彩在珊瑚礁各处蓬发,让它们成为地球上最明艳的景观。

    For reasons known only to nature , color explodes across coral reefs , making them Earth 's most vivid landscapes .

  18. 安妮还好,青春的容颜还在。光影中,手持一朵红玫瑰的她,几许娇羞,几分明艳。

    Looking at Annie , holding a red rose in front of my camera , I could feel her youth and beauty .

  19. 红莲灯和霓红灯在需求上非常相似,但是前者从眼部到尾部有一条明艳的红色条纹。

    Cardinal tetras are similar to Neon tetras in their requirements , but display a brilliant red stripe from eye to tail .

  20. 这位金发碧眼的性感女神凭借超长的眼睫毛和撅起的明艳红唇完美展现出前所未有的个人魅力。

    The blonde sex symbol , with her impossibly long lashes and bright red pout , championed a flawless glamour not seen before .

  21. 她脸色红润,显得很健康,嘴角挂着最明艳的笑意,眼睛里闪耀着欢快的光芒。

    Her face Blushed with rosy health , and her lips had the freshest of smiles , and her eyes sparkled with Bright good-nature .

  22. 伦敦一家著名的拍卖行将出售黑猩猩刚果的绘画作品。这些色彩明艳的绘画将同画家安廸·沃霍尔和雷诺阿的作品一起被拍卖。

    Brightly colored paintings by Congo the chimpanzee are going on sale at a prestigious London auction house alongside works by Andy Warhol and Renoir .

  23. 今春的服装市场上色彩明艳锐利的迷幻主题印花仍然势头不减,而薄透的面料会让这类设计少一分刺眼,多一分含蓄。

    You will see a lot of the psychedelic prints still in the market for spring this season Sheer fabrics make them a bit softer .

  24. 她一听到他的声音,脸上顿时涌现出明艳的光采,在同一时刻闪现出又是悲伤又是喜悦的光芒。

    As soon as she heard his voice , a vivid colour glowed in her face , lighting up at once her joy and her sorrow .

  25. 在胶原蛋白的协助下,它能进行修复活动,让我们的肌肤更漂亮,更明艳动人。

    Our body , assisted by collagen , is able to carry out the restoration process comprehensively , leaving our skin better , brighter and more attractive .

  26. 炫彩宝珠笔,凭借它精致的比例,圆润的造型,以及明艳的色彩,为你展开丰富多彩的美丽画卷,使你的人生无与伦比的精彩。

    The colorful roller pen , with its exquisite proportion , mellow shape and vibrant colors , opens a colorful picture for you and makes your wonderful life unparalleled .

  27. 她明艳的猩红色礼服是露背款式的,被她用一根闪亮的带褶边的小牛皮宽皮带紧紧地固定着,从脖子一直延伸到腰间。

    Her vivid scarlet dress was backless , tight to her calves where it flared into a wide ruffled train , with a neckline that plunged to her waist .

  28. 从天桥上望过去,各色车辆的尾灯接成一条明艳的火龙,与街道两侧高低起伏的霓虹灯火交相辉映。

    Looks from the over-bridge , the assorted vehicles rear light meets a bright-colored procession of lanterns , enhances one another 's beauty with the street both sides height fluctuation neon lights .

  29. 从伯罗奔尼撒马尼地区那酷烈的石头碉楼民居,到爱琴海上明艳洁白的小岛房屋,希腊的自然风物和人居建筑以其超乎想象的变化带给我们不断的惊奇。

    It surprises us with unexpected changes in its landscape and architecture , from the severe stone settlements of Mani in the Peloponnese , to the sparkling white settlements of the Aegean .

  30. 然后,他给出的解释是:“她明艳动人,我宁可在酒吧碰到是她而不是另外一位。并且我喜欢这耳环。”

    And then , he explained his choice like this . " She is radiant . I would rather have approached her at the bar than the other one . And I like earrings . "