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zuó mo
  • turn sth. over in one's mind;ponder;cut and polish;polish;turn sth.over in one's mind


zhuó mó
  • carve and polish;improve;polish;refine
琢磨 [zuó mo]
  • (1) [cut and polish]∶琢和打磨[玉石]

  • (2) [polish]∶通过润色加以修改(指文章等)

  • [turn sth.over in ones mind;ponder] 思考;研究

  • 这事我琢磨了很久

琢磨[zhuó mó]
琢磨[zuó mo]
  1. 他们被留下来琢磨这项宣告的含义。

    They were left to ponder on the implications of the announcement .

  2. 然后即开始琢磨着给页面增添色彩。

    Then started to ponder over more tinct to the page-layout .

  3. 我刚才在琢磨路途太远了。

    I was just thinking what a long way it is .

  4. 回家的路上,他琢磨着这次面试非常顺利。

    On the way home he reflected that the interview had gone well .

  5. 在作出决定之前我需要一些时间来认真琢磨一下。

    I need some time to mull it over before making a decision .

  6. 你要想赚钱,就得一门心思琢磨钱。

    If you want to make money , you 've got to think money .

  7. 她反复琢磨他的话。

    She pondered over his words .

  8. 他的行为使我难以琢磨。

    His behaviour baffles me .

  9. 他这个人就爱在心里反复琢磨事儿。

    He tends to chew things over too much in his mind

  10. 人们现在得仔细地琢磨自己的度假计划。

    People are having to think hard about their holiday plans .

  11. 麦克拉伦琢磨着要拍一部电影已经有段时间了。

    McLaren had been mulling over an idea to make a movie

  12. 我猜想每个人都会不时地琢磨一些事情。

    I guess everyone broods over things once in a while

  13. 你们要不断地琢磨这个问题直到有人得出正确答案为止。

    You chip away at the problem until somebody comes up with the right answer

  14. 他异常沮丧,反复琢磨。

    He was uncharacteristically depressed and ruminative .

  15. 他心里琢磨是否该开个有关打兔子的玩笑,但决定还是算了。

    He debated whether to make a joke about shooting rabbits , but decided against it

  16. 我从不闲坐着琢磨:“我接下来做什么呢?”

    I never , ever sit around thinking , ' What shall I do next ? '

  17. 这件事她琢磨了很久。

    She pondered the matter for a long time .

  18. 她用琢磨好的几句精妙的话,向他说出自己对他的看法。

    She told him what she thought of him in a few choice phrases .

  19. 不要浪费时间琢磨对方是不是看到了信息。

    Don 't waste your time trying to find out if the receivers has read it yet .

  20. 也许别人会指责我逃跑,我琢磨着,

    Perhaps the others would blame me for deserting , I thought ,

  21. 年轻人谢过了老隐士,但是他也在琢磨着,烧了蛇皮以后会怎么样呢?

    The young man thanked the hermit , but he was concerned . What would happen if he burned the snakeskin ?

  22. 亨利琢磨着能省下50便士,于是,他去看病时对医生说:“我又来了,医生。”

    Henry decided to save 50 pennies , so when he went to see the doctor , he said , " I 've come again , doctor . "

  23. 于是,他动手在小箱子上到处摸索,翻来转去,琢磨了又琢磨,试试这个钉,又摸摸那个纽,然后按按把手。

    He sets to work , leaves nothing untried . He turns it round on every side ; he guesses and he guesses . One knob and then the next , and then the handle presses .

  24. 微博提交的IPO文件中有很多细节值得琢磨。

    Here 's the IPO filing , with plenty of detail worth reading .

  25. 随便哪一天,从大都会艺术博物馆(MetropolitanMuseumofArt)展出的数十万件展品中仅仅挑一件,仔细琢磨透,恐怕都能助你取得博士学位。

    You could probably earn a Ph.D. working with just one piece out of the hundreds of thousands on display at the Metropolitan Museum of art any given day .

  26. 苹果公司创始人在琢磨着如何让iPod的机身更纤薄,电池续航能力更长。

    The Apple founder was mulling how to make the iPod slimmer and its battery last longer .

  27. 哈佛商学院(HarvardBusinessSchool,简称HBS)的MBA招生面试前整整两周,亚历克斯•克莱纳每天晚上睡觉前都反复琢磨着一份可能被问到的问题清单。

    For two full weeks before his MBA Admissions interview at Harvard Business School , Alex Kleiner would mull over a list of potential questions every night before going to bed .

  28. 谷歌印度的普拉塞德拉姆(prasadram)表示,班加罗尔办公室已开始琢磨,为什么使用互联网的印度人数量如此之少。

    Prasad ram of Google India says the Bangalore office began to wonder why so few Indians used the Internet .

  29. 市场正在琢磨,这项规则将给高盛和摩根大通(jpmorganchase)等拥有自营交易和私人股本业务的机构带来何种影响。

    Markets are wondering how the rule would affect groups such as Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan Chase , which have proprietary trading desks and private equity units .

  30. Wolstencroft非常认真的思考,仔细地琢磨了每个名字。

    Wolstencroft thought very carefully , mulling over each name in his mind .
