
huǎn xíng
  • probation;suspended sentence;reprieve;temporarily suspend the execution of a sentence;imprisonment with a suspension of sentence;temporary suspension of the execution of a sentence
缓刑 [huǎn xíng]
  • [probation;temperarily suspend the execution of a sentence] 法律名词,即受刑之宣告后,依据特定情形,在一定时期内暂缓执行

缓刑[huǎn xíng]
  1. 他被判缓刑两年。

    He was given two years ' probation .

  2. 犯人已获缓刑。

    The prisoner was put on probation .

  3. 警方利用电子跟踪器监视缓刑期间的青年罪犯。

    The police use electronic tags to monitor the whereabouts of young offenders on probation .

  4. 这个小偷被处以两年缓刑。

    The thief was put on probation for two years .

  5. 她被裁定过失杀人罪名成立,缓刑两年。

    She was found guilty of manslaughter and put on probation for two years

  6. 约翰被判缓刑4个月。

    John was given a four-month suspended sentence .

  7. 因谋杀前首相而即将处以绞刑的14个人已获缓刑。

    Fourteen people , waiting to be hanged for the murder of a former prime minister , have been reprieved .

  8. 大约一半由联邦定罪的组织动物角斗者们都获得了缓刑。

    Roughly half of all federally-convicted animal fighters only get probation .

  9. 由于犯罪情节较轻,他有可能被判缓刑

    He might be respited by the adjudication in respect of the relatively slender criminal context .

  10. 但是尽管如此,当地辖区的警察还是以窝赃的罪名起诉了查克几天后,一个青少年犯罪法官起诉了11岁的提姆作为窝赃的从犯然后他被判三年的缓刑因为背负缓刑的罪名

    But anyway , the cops down at the precinct charged Chuck with receiving stolen property . And then a juvenile judge , a few days later , charged Tim , age 11 , with accessory to receiving a stolen property and then he was placed on three years of probation . With this probation sentence hanging over his head ,

  11. 预期MichelleMartin将会前往法国一个女修道会,继续服满缓刑。

    It 's expected that Michelle Martin will move to a convent in France to serve out her probation .

  12. 我们确实聘请了一名律师为Aaron辩护,他可能被判缓刑,或十年监禁,这些可能都有。

    Well , Aaron , we did hire an attorney to defend Aaron , and he could get anywhere from to ten years in prison .

  13. SPELLMAN:做缓刑监督官11年之后,40岁的EddieBlackwell决定追求自己的梦想。

    SPELLMAN : After 11 years on the job as a officer , 40 - year-old Eddie Blackwell decided to chase his dream .

  14. 2010年,控制着SK集团的家族的一名成员,因为当着多名高管的面,用一根铝制棒球棒击打一名52岁的前工会活动人士13下而被判缓刑。

    And in 2010 , a member of the family that controls the SK conglomerate received a suspended prison term for hitting a 52-year-old former union activist 13 times with an aluminum baseball bat while his executives watched .

  15. 尽管没有对Jay-Z的动机做调查,这场事故也缺少详细信息,但毫无疑问的是现在已经为人父的Jay-Z当初服了3年缓刑。

    Despite the limited insight into the rapper 's motives and exact details of the fracas , it is indisputable that the now-father served three years of probation as a result .

  16. BujuBanton曾经赢得格莱美奖,他被释放后还面临5年的缓刑。

    Buju Banton , who 's a Grammy award winner , will spend a further five years on probation when he 's released .

  17. 缓刑制度的起源及其发展;

    The origin and development of the system of probationary suspension ;

  18. 历史与现实:俄罗斯刑法中的缓刑制度

    History and Reality : Probation System in Criminal Law of Russia

  19. 最后一刻的缓刑令把他从绞架上解救了下来。

    He was saved from the gallows by a lastminute reprieve .

  20. 缓刑!他们在事出当天便自由了!

    Suspended the sentence ! They went free that very day !

  21. 第一部分是对缓刑制度的概述。

    The first part is an overview of the Probation System .

  22. 第三部分是对我国缓刑制度的思考。

    The third part is the thinking of our probation system .

  23. 缓刑是我国一项重要的刑罚制度。

    Probation is a vital system of punishment in our country .

  24. 第二部分在缓刑适用条件的比较分析基础上,提出应建立罚金刑缓刑、量刑前调查、法人缓刑制度等。

    Part two is the comparative analysis of the applicable condition .

  25. 论缓刑的性质

    The Property of Probation A Trial Discussion on Execution of Probation

  26. 缓刑的撤销条件及程序规定不尽科学;

    Suspension of sentence cancellation condition and procedure stipulation endless science ;

  27. 第二部分:缓刑适用程序的完善。

    The second part : the perfection of the procedure of probation .

  28. 对未成年犯适用缓刑的若干考察研究

    Several Study and Research on Applying Probation to Juvenile Offenders

  29. 论我国缓刑制度中的考察主体

    On the Main Body of Investigation in Probation System of Our Country

  30. 我国缓刑制度的理论与实践

    The Theory and Practice of Chinese Suspension of Sentence System