
yú mèi
  • fatuous;benighted;ignorant;uneducated;idiocy
愚昧 [yú mèi]
  • [uneducated;ignorant] 愚蠢而不明事理

  • 愚昧无知

愚昧[yú mèi]
  1. 经过超过一小时的烦闷的演讲,那个愚昧的演讲者还等着观众的掌声。

    After his boring speech for over an hour , fatuous speaker waited for applause from the audience .

  2. “真是一场愚昧的演出。”爱丽丝说。

    " It was a fatuous performance ," Alice said .

  3. 教育部长指责教师想要回到愚昧时代。

    The Education Secretary accuses teachers of wanting to return to a dark age .

  4. 贫困和人类的愚昧加剧了自然灾难。

    Poverty and human folly magnify natural disasters

  5. 他们每天愚昧而粗鲁地指责政府。

    They reproach the government every day with folly and impertinence .

  6. 他不会愚昧地满于现状的。

    He is not fatuously content with existing conditions .

  7. “我们花了太多时间研究人工智能的历史,”霍金说,“面对现实吧,我们研究的多是愚昧的历史。

    " We spend a great deal of time studying history , " Hawking said , " which , let 's face it , is mostly the history of stupidity . "

  8. 难道他真的一身病态,格外愚昧,特别堕落吗

    Was he even spectacularly sick , exceptionally blind , extraordinarily degraded ?

  9. 追究infatuation的起源会发现,它同另一个侮辱人的单词fatuous(愚昧的)一样,都是来自于拉丁语中某个表达“愚蠢,糊涂”意思的单词。

    It traces back to the Latin for " foolish " or " silly ," as does another insulting term : fatuous .

  10. 宗教是一种神秘而实在的社会历史文化现象,在崇尚理性的时代,宗教曾成为落后、愚昧的代名词。

    The religion is a kind of mysterious and historical phenomenon .

  11. 保罗说与人比较是愚昧的。

    Paul said it is foolish to compare ourselves with others .

  12. 愚昧人比他更有指望。

    There is more hope for a fool than for him .

  13. 我宁愿糊涂一时也不要愚昧一世。

    I would rather be'silly'for a few seconds than be'ignorant'for years .

  14. 对我,没有用筷子的能力几乎愚昧。

    I think the inability to use chopsticks borders on ignorance .

  15. 他们的愚昧实已不能再予宽恕。

    For their blindness there was no longer an acceptable excuse .

  16. 使某人[某事]成笑柄,使受嘲笑他因愚昧成了村里的笑柄。

    Through his foolishness he became a mockery in the village .

  17. 她会一下子从一个严肃认真的人变成一个愚昧可笑的人。

    She would plunged straight from the sublime to the ridiculous .

  18. 他诚实地描述了他们的善良和愚昧。

    He is honest about their goodness as well as stupidity .

  19. 利欲熏心与金钱看上去仅仅加重了他们的盲目愚昧。

    The careerism and money seemed only to embolden their blindness .

  20. 因我的愚昧,我的伤发臭流脓。

    My wounds stink and are corrupt because of my foolishness .

  21. 从自己的愚昧中我倒学到了不少东西!

    I am learning a great deal from my own foolishness !

  22. 远离恶事,为愚昧人所憎恶。

    But to turn away from evil is an abomination to fools .

  23. 我不赞成损害与生俱来的愚昧的任何事物。

    I do not approve of anything which tampers with natural ignorance .

  24. 我不会容忍你的自私和愚昧。

    I will not be too impatient at your selfishness and folly .

  25. 一个愚昧时代的种种纷繁复杂的谬论和诡辩。

    The complex falsities and sophistries of an unwise age .

  26. 怪责市民无知、愚昧,无补于事;

    It does not help matters to blame their ignorance or folly .

  27. 别让这孩子犯下愚昧的错误判断。

    That the boy did not make a foolish error in judgment .

  28. 他们怎么能如此愚昧,如此有偏见?

    How can they be so damned ignorant and pejudiced ?

  29. 他愚昧到连自己的名字都不会写。

    He is so ignorant that he cannot write his own name .

  30. 这样看来,智慧人比愚昧人有什么长处呢。

    For what hath the wise more than the fool ?