
bīng hé
  • glacier
冰河 [bīng hé]
  • [glacier] 结冰的河流;冰川

  • 铁马冰河入梦来。--宋. 陆游《十一月四日风雨大作》

冰河[bīng hé]
  1. 冰河的急剧而下的部分,好像冰冻的瀑布。

    A steep part of a glacier resembling a frozen waterfall .

  2. 土地是岩石加上热,或冰河的冲压。

    Soil is rock , plus heat , or glacier crushing .

  3. 冰河是犹如河水般流动的巨大冰体。

    Glaciers are moving rivers of ice

  4. Googleearth或许是观察显著气候变化的证据&冰河范围变化的最好的方式。

    Google Earth is probably the best way to view the evidence of dramatic climate change in the form of glaciers .

  5. 可惜的是,极地冰川调查(ExtremeIceSurvey)中的多数冰河都还没有在历史图像中。

    Unfortunately , many of the glaciers in the Extreme Ice Survey do not yet have much in the way of historical images .

  6. 若出现小冰河期(即冰界在50°N左右),则太阳常数要比现在的值减小17%左右。

    If the ice ages should occur , i.e. ice edge reaching about 50 ° N , the solar constant would decrease about 17 % .

  7. 分析表明,四条流入“守护神B”冰架现已崩塌部分的冰河在研究期间的流速增加了2至6倍。

    The analysis reveals that four glaciers flowing into the now collapsed section of Larsen B increased in speed by between two and six times over the study period .

  8. 美国缅因州大学气候变化学院的冰河学家和教授GordonHamilton负责这项研究。

    is a leading glaciologist and professor at the University of Maine Climate Change Institute .

  9. 每一个冰河时代,新的冰川向下流动,经过V形的河谷,慢慢地使这里变成了宽阔的U形峡谷。

    With every ice age , new glaciers ground their way down V-shaped river valleys , and turn them into broad U-shaped canyons .

  10. 在地球上差不多同一时期,欧洲处于小冰河时期(“LittleIceAge”),不断出现的证据表明太阳活动的减弱可能导致气候变冷。

    On Earth the " Little Ice Age " froze Europe around the same time , and a growing body of evidence suggests the sun 's slowdown may have caused the climate to cool .

  11. 历史上最严重的冰河期,被称为雪球地球(SnowballEarth)期,当时地球完全被冰层覆盖。6.35亿年前,永久冻结带释放出大量甲烷,这一时期突然结束。

    The most severe ice age in history , a period of total glaciation known as Snowball Earth , ended suddenly 635m years ago when large amounts of methane were released from areas of permafrost .

  12. 席拉(Shira):Shira在《冰河世纪4:大陆漂移》中亮相,她是黑心肝船长的手下,也是他的前初恋女友。

    Shira appear in Ice Age : Continental Drift , She is part of Gutt 's crew , and the captain 's former first mate .

  13. 这些沉积物形成了所谓的“冰河沙堆”(eskers)的脊,在现今我位于波士顿的家旁边的树林处纵横交错。

    These deposits , which remain as ridges called eskers , crisscross the landscape in the woods outside my home in Boston .

  14. Frane首次与死神擦肩而过是在1962年,当时他正乘坐一列从萨拉热窝开往杜布罗夫尼克旧城的火车,火车突然脱轨跌入冰河中,这次事故有17人溺亡,而Frane却熬过了体温过低、惊恐、擦伤和手臂受伤后游到了岸边。

    He had his first escape in 1962 when a train he was travelling on from Sarajevo to Dubrovnik jumped the rails and plunged into an icy river . Seventeen people drowned and he barely made it to the riverbank after suffering from hypothermia , shock , bruises and a broken arm .

  15. 山中的小湖,尤其指因冰河而形成的山中小湖。

    A mountain lake ( especially one formed by glaciers ) .

  16. 二氧化碳含量变低和冰河世纪哪个先来?

    Which Came First : Low CO2 or an Ice Age ?

  17. 从冰河里捕来的生鱼是他们最爱的美味

    Their favourite food is raw fish from the frozen rivers .

  18. 它是在冰河时代末期形成的一个石灰石坑洞。

    It was formed as a limestone cave during the last iceage

  19. 火热的冰河时期&融资租赁在中国难以发展的深层次原因分析

    Further Analysis on Obstacles to Rental Financing Development in China

  20. 现在,恐怕冰河期将永远在地球上消失了。

    Now , perhaps Ice Age will disappear on the earth forever .

  21. 令我们惊奇的是,冰河期竟然有自己的规律。

    To our surprise , Ice Age does have its own law .

  22. 1月并购市场:处于冰河期

    January : The glacier phase of M & A Market

  23. 印第安人与野牛自冰河时期以来共存

    Native Americans and buffalos have co-existed since the last ice age .

  24. 同样这也是造成冰河世纪原因。

    the same thing that caused the Ice Age by the way .

  25. 在这个区域里面,冰河覆盖陆地。

    There was a glacier that covered the land in this area .

  26. 等待数星期后沉睡的冰河苏醒了

    After weeks of waiting , the sleeping giant of a river ,

  27. 你觉得我们可以从冰河上滑行下去吗?

    Do you think we can glide down this glacier ?

  28. 更多游客有兴趣去冰河国家公园玩。

    More visitors were interested in going to the park .

  29. 该国地形大多崎岖多山,山顶是冰河。

    The landscape is generally rugged and mountainous , topped by glaciers .

  30. 今天我开始学习《冰河世纪2》。

    I begin to learn 《 ICE AGE2 》 today .